Current report no. 2/2014
January 9, 2014
Subject: Resignation of a member of the Supervisory Board
The Management Board of "Orbis" S.A. hereby informs about the receipt of a notice of resignation of Mr. Pascal Quint from the fuction of a Member of "Orbis" S.A. Supervisory Board for convenience. The resignation of Mr. Pascal Quint was filed with effect as of January 9, 2014.
Legal grounds: § 5.1.21 and § 27 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities as well as conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state.


"Orbis" S.A., ul. Bracka 16, 00-028 Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the Capital City of
Warsaw, XII Commercial Division, National Court Register [KRS], Register of Business Operators no.
0000022622, share capital of PLN 92,154,016 (paid-up in full), tax identification number NIP 526-025-

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