WASHINGTON, Jan. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is a statement from Reginald Corbitt, founder of SafeCyber.

Reginald Corbitt Photo
Reginald Corbitt, Founder of SafeCyber

The first Sunday after the new year is the busiest day for online dating. Why? For a few reasons. Sunday, for most, is a day rest. Which means I’ll rest while being online with my device in my hand shopping, trolling or swiping to the left. Other reasons are that the new year means the hope of a new relationship for singles so finding love is usually one of the top three on the resolution list with money and career goals. Then there’s the part where you got tired of being asked over the holidays, “Why aren’t you married yet?” question, so you feel the urgency to start now in hopes at the 2019 family gathering you’ll be good to go.

As we continue to move into the age of IOT (Internet of Things), the physical safety and security of everyone become more and more critical. We are conducting business, banking, communicating and the list keeps growing. Digital technology and smartphones have transformed many aspects of our society, including the dating game.

Forty million Americans are using online dating websites, and those users range from young to old according to Pew Research. Thanks to smartphones and dating apps, the number grows daily with reports showing 27% of young adults report using online dating sites, which is up 10% from 2013. For those 55 to 64-year-olds that use online dating, there has been a 6% increase from 2013 to 2015.

With the acceptance of online dating, there is a risk of personal safety. Even if you dated someone online and took the chance by giving out too much personal information, thankfully you're able to tell your story whether good or bad. It doesn't mean that the next potential Mr. Right will have the right intentions or even be right in his mind. Here are some tips to stay safe online:

  • Keep up your guards. In any relationship, you always take a chance in business or personal. Trusting It's easier to connect to written word than the spoken word. It can cause you to rush into things and cause you to let your guard down quicker than you expect. Always treat the other person as a stranger until you confirm they are who they say they are.

  • Do your research. Google the person or use sites like truthfinder.com, intellius.com, or beenverified.com to see if the information the person is telling you matches what they've been telling you in conversation.  Keep in mind though. If someone is a serial stalker but has never been caught or arrested, an internet search won't tell you that.

  • Trust your intuition. You know that feeling you get at the beginning of a situation that something isn't right in real life? Trust that to the fullest in your online presence.  Never compromise your security because once you let that person in your life, circle or home it could turn into a volatile situation — one that could risk your personal safety.

  • If you've gotten to the point where you plan to meet in person be sure you don't get too comfortable to the point that you let all your guard down. Here are tips to stay safe when meeting offline.

  • Choose a public place. Do not let the person talk you into a home cooked me and don't offer him one because you think it's a way to a man's heart. Always meet in a public place and arrive early, so you could prevent your date from seeing what kind of car you drive. Tag number information can be written down and used to locate your address.

  • Plan your own transportation. I know traditionally the guy would come to pick you up on the first date because it's the manly thing to do. Is this case it could be the most dangerous. Giving them your address on the first date could lead to stalking or harassment.

  • Always tell someone. Let the person know every detail of the date. Give them the time, where you meet and as much information about the individual as possible.

  • You can meet Ms. Wrong too. These tips are not just for women. There have been documented cases where men have met women offline, and it ends up being a setup for a robbery where the man was harmed or even lose his life. So fellas, use precaution as well when it comes to meeting women offline for the first time because in some cases the woman turned out to be a man using a fake picture and profile.

Reginald Corbitt is the founder of SafeCyber, an informational website whose mission is to educate communities and create a culture of secure connectivity. They provide actionable information that's easy to understand along with the tools and resources needed to stay safe and secure while living in the "Internet of Things" age. He travels state to state raising awareness about cyber safety topics such as Cyberbullying, Social Media Ethics, Digital Reputation, and Digital Age Parenting. Reginald has spoken at regional and national conferences on cyber safety topics and has written several articles which have been read globally.  He is also often interviewed in the media as a cyber safety authority. For more information, please visit https://www.safecyberedu.com/ or follow Corbitt on Twitter at https://twitter.com/reginaldcorbitt.

For More Information Contact:
Taroue Brooks

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