OCC, the world’s largest equity derivatives clearing organization, today announced 2016 total cleared contract volume reached 4,167,747,777 contracts, a one percent decrease from the 2015 volume of 4,210,542,258 contracts. The year ended with 337,076,118 cleared contracts in December, a three percent decrease from December 2015. OCC also reported record-breaking volume for cleared futures, with 104,523,581 cleared contracts in 2016; a 56 percent increase from 2015.

"In 2016, OCC took great strides as the foundation for secure markets to enhance its resiliency by reducing the regulatory remediation gap and putting in place proactive policies and procedures to identify and resolve new problems," said Craig Donohue, OCC Executive Chairman and CEO. "We also made great progress in strengthening our relationships with regulators and policy makers and in reaffirming OCC's position as a strong, visible advocate for the U.S. listed options industry and market participants."

Options: Exchange-listed options volume was down two percent in 2016 with 4,063,224,196 contracts. Total options volume in December was 337,076,118 contracts, down three percent from December 2015. Average daily options volume in 2016 was down two percent with 16,123,905 contracts.

Futures: OCC cleared 104,523,581 futures contracts in 2016, a 56 percent increase from 2015. OCC ended the year with 9,586,613 cleared futures contracts in December, up 37 percent from December 2015. OCC’s average daily cleared futures volume was up 56 percent in 2016 with 414,776 contracts.

Securities Lending: OCC's securities lending CCP activities saw a 29 percent increase in new loans from December 2015 with 177,826 transactions last month. Year-to-date stock loan activity was up 37 percent with 1,919,100 new loan transactions in 2016. The average daily loan value at OCC in December was $153,065,639,956.

For 2016 monthly exchange market share information, click here.

      Dec 2016       Dec 2015       Dec Total       YTD. Avg.       YTD. Avg.       Avg.
Total Total Contract % Daily Daily

Daily Contract

Contract Contract Change vs. Contract Contract

% Change vs.

        Volume       Volume       2015       2016       2015       2015
Equity Options       290,719,340       305,902,180       -4.96%       14,390,698       14,793,330       -2.72%
Index Options       36,770,165       32,919,874       11.7%       1,733,207       1,649,675       5.06%
Total Options       327,489,505       338,822,054       -3.34%       16,123,905       16,443,005       -1.94%
Total Futures      




      36.7%       414,776       265,496       56.2%
Total Volume       337,076,118       345,836,508       -2.53%       16,538,682       16,708,501       -1.02%

OCC Cleared Options Volume: 2011-2016

Year         Equity           Index/Other           Options Total
2011         4,224,604,529           338,143,665           4,562,748,194
2012         3,681,820,659           322,050,649           4,003,871,308
2013         3,725,864,134           385,411,525           4,111,275,659
2014         3,845,073,167           420,295,640           4,265,368,807
2015         3,727,919,066           415,718,205           4,143,637,271
2016         3,626,455,947           436,768,249           4,063,224,196

About OCC

OCC is the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization and the foundation for secure markets. Founded in 1973, OCC operates under the jurisdiction of both the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Registered Clearing Agency, and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Derivatives Clearing Organization. Named 2016 Clearing House of the Year - The Americas by FOW Magazine and 2016 Clearinghouse of the Year by Global Investor/ISF Magazine, OCC now provides central counterparty, (CCP) clearing and settlement services to 19 exchanges and trading platforms for options, financial futures, security futures, and securities lending transactions. More information about OCC is available at www.theocc.com.