Nexusguard, the worldwide leader in distributed denial of service (DDoS) security solutions, today announced Nexusguard AI gives internet service providers (ISPs) and partners the ability to deliver software-defined networking (SDN), integrated uptime protection for their customers. Companies of all sizes face growing threats related to sophisticated DDoS attacks. ISPs and channel partners can provide individual and customized protection for customers, without worry of collateral damage or increased latency in the midst of multiple DDoS attacks.

In the past, ISPs had to rely on their own resources to combat DDoS attacks by setting up appliances and building their own in-house DDoS mitigation solutions and a one-size-fits-all approach, due to myriad customer sizes and requirements. For many ISPs, DDoS mitigation had even become a liability to networks, and customers that did not fit into the set defense method resulted in dropped traffic from null-routing. With Nexusguard AI and Service Provider Enablement, service providers can dependably deliver scalable, automated orchestration and traffic shifting en-masse to customers in real-time. For channel partners, offering a solution that promotes real-time tracking of ISP resources by accounting for scrubbing center capacity, type of attack and customer profile makes mitigation stronger, while negating potential damage to other parties.

“Pairing SDN with DDoS gives service providers a significant advantage in the market, providing an automated solution to help manage multiple customers and evolving threats,” Bill Barry, executive vice president of global strategy at Nexusguard. “Nexusguard AI delivers the optimization in route engineering that can simplify DDoS mitigation and eliminate the overages and collateral damage that ISPs worry about while empowering our partners with a significant differentiator.”

Service providers are struggling to keep pace with evolving threats to continue to deliver continuity and peace of mind for their customers. SDN gives DDoS mitigation better, smarter upstream traffic management to automate the decision-making process and add significant value to partner solution stacks.

Nexusguard AI is now active and integrated into all Nexusguard services. To learn more about Nexusguard AI and services, contact

About Nexusguard
Founded in 2008, Nexusguard is the global leader in fighting malicious Internet attacks. Nexusguard protects clients against a multitude of threats, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, to ensure uninterrupted Internet service. Nexusguard provides comprehensive, highly customized solutions for customers of all sizes, across a range of industries, and also enables turnkey anti-DDoS solutions for service providers. Nexusguard delivers on its promise to maximize peace of mind by minimizing threats and improving uptime. Headquartered in San Francisco, Nexusguard’s network of security experts extends globally. Visit for more information.