NEW YORK, Jan. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The quantum random generator (QRNG) market will reach $ 7.2 Billion by 2026 according to IQT Research’s latest report, Quantum Random Number Generators: A Ten-year Market Assessment. This report profiles the strategies of 13 QRNG vendors and includes a detailed ten-year market forecast. The firms profiled include: Bosch, Cambridge Quantum Computing, Crypta Labs, Defense Research and Development Organization, ID Quantique, InfiniQuant, KETS, ORNL, Quantum Dice, QuintessanceLabs, Quantum Numbers, Quside, and Toshiba Europe.

More details of this report can be found at:

Also, at this URL those interested can request an excerpt from IQT Research’s QRNG market report. This excerpt includes all the forecast exhibits in the study (without the actual numbers), so that potential purchasers can understand better the extent and coverage of the forecasts in this report. In addition, the sample also includes an example of the analyst report that accompanies the forecast.

About the Report
QRNGs have taken on an important new role in the quantum technology business in the past year or so.   They have become a key enabling technology for quantum-level security in mobile devices, data centers and even medical implants, to name just a few key areas of QRNG application.   QRNGs have also provided a welcome improvement on standard RNGs, which have been used for years in scientific research and gaming.

The advent of QRNGs also provides an entry strategy for many firms into the quantum technology space. But while the QRNG market is relatively easy to enter, this creates the issue of how QRNG firms can best distinguish their offerings in the marketplace. QRNG positioning is currently being achieved through differing form factors. throughputs, chip sizes, pricing, certifiability and standards, health checks, marketing focus and more.

The report includes a quantitative ten-year forecast for QRNGs, with breakouts by form factor (chips, extension cards and standalone devices), as well as application (smartphones, IoT, finance, telecommunications, government and military, data centers, gambling, and R&D. Forecasts are provided in volume and value terms. The report also profiles 13 firms currently producing QRNGs, setting out their products, market strategies, markets targeted, financing, etc.

This report is intended for market planners and strategists at firms in the quantum technology, cybersecurity, gaming, and data communications sectors. We also believe the report will make essential reading for investors and quantum specialists at research institutes and universities. The report consists of two parts. The first part is a written analysis of the current state and future evolution of QRNGs. The second part is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with forecasts of shipments and sales revenue of QRNGs.

From the report:

  • QRNGs are a genuinely disruptive technology, bringing quantum-level security to markets at a low cost for the first time. QRNG devices also present a relatively easy way for technology firms to enter the market for quantum technologies—substantially easier than with QKD or quantum computers. However, this ease of entry into the QRNG market might make it difficult for some companies to establish sustainable profits in the QRNG space. In part because of this situation, we expect a lot of M&A activity in the coming years, with a few leaders eventually emerging
  • Although quantum-secure phones are the most fashionable QRNG products, the largest market for QRNGs will be in data centers – a $3.1 billion in 2026. While all of the quantum-enabled security modalities will be applied to data center applications going forward, QRNGs will be especially useful for supplementing other forms of encryption and in low-cost customer-controlled encryption. QRNGs intended to sell into the data center market should not create significant performance penalties.
  • The financial service industry worldwide is expected to show considerable interest in QRNG technology as a way to combat hackers and improve Monte Carlo simulations in portfolio valuation. Financial institutions have been among the most enthusiastic when it comes to the adoption of quantum technology. By 2026 revenues from sales of QRNGs to financial institutions will reach $2.2 billion and will come mainly in the form of standalone systems.

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Lawrence Gasman
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