
(Incorporated in Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code?03989)

List of Directors and their Role and Function

The members of the board of directors ("Board") of New Environmental Energy Holdings Limited are set out below:

Executive Directors

Mr. YU Chang Jian (Chairman)
Mr. CAO Guo Xian (Chief Executive Officer) Mr. LIU Xiao Guang
Mr. XUE Huixuan

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. PAO Ping Wing
Mr. CHENG Kai Tai, Allen
Mr. LI Baochun
Ms. CHAN Yee Wah, Eva
There are three Board committees. The membership information of each committee is set out below:

Audit Committee

Ms. CHAN Yee Wah, Eva (Chairman)
Mr. PAO Ping Wing
Mr. CHENG Kai Tai, Allen

Nomination Committee

Mr. YU Chang Jian (Chairman)
Mr. PAO Ping Wing
Mr. CHENG Kai Tai, Allen
Ms. CHAN Yee Wah, Eva

Remuneration Committee Mr. PAO Ping Wing (Chairman) Mr. CHENG Kai Tai, Allen

Mr. YU Chang Jian

Details of the latest changes of the Board and Board Committees were disclosed in the announcement of the

Company dated 2 September 2013.

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