The Orange County Chapter of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI OC) will host a "Four-for-One" discussion event on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at JT Schmid's at The District in Tustin, CA. There will be short, moderated discussions on four core IR topics in "speed dating" style. Participants can then compare notes on what they learned during a networking hour immediately following the discussions. Topics include Earnings Guidance, Analyst Days, Social Media and Developing an IR Plan.

Fees are $20 for NIRI OC Chapter Members and $25 for Non-Members. RSVP at ACTEVA and pay at the door with check or credit card:

Other Upcoming Meetings:

February 20


Investor Relations Senior Roundtable Dinner: "Leadership/Coaching/Professional Development" - The Winery, Tustin.


Rob Reindl, President at Rob Reindl Organization Consulting Services, and author of the new book "The HOW of leadership: unleashing the capacity of your people" will facilitate a discussion about leadership, and the specific behaviors and mindsets that can improve success and satisfaction at work. This event is open to NIRI National Senior Roundtable members. For more information, please contact Cynthia Skoglund, OC Senior Advisor at


In March the OC Chapter will host an educational summit, followed by the chapter's traditional Spring Social on May 6. The program year will conclude in June with a panel discussion on numerous IR/Communication-related topics. Please visit the OC NIRI website for additional information and details on these upcoming events.

About the Orange County Chapter of the National Investor Relations Institute: The Orange County Chapter of NIRI (NIRI OC) was established in 1990. The NIRI OC chapter holds regular and special meetings and networking events throughout the year, featuring programs on topics of professional interest to investor relations practitioners such as capital markets, social media, economic discussions and other IR-related topics. For more information, visit

About the National Investor Relations Institute: Founded in 1969, NIRI is a professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, the investing public and the financial community. Our members represent the majority of the largest publicly held corporations in the U.S. as well as many small and mid-sized companies. With over 4,300 members in 33 chapters around the country, NIRI sets the highest standards in education to advance the practice of investor relations and meet the growing professional development needs of those engaged in the field. For more information, visit

Jeanie D. Herbert
Chairman of Communications and Membership