DALLAS, Jan. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Yep, you read that right! Modo, your favorite #paymentsgeeks from Dallas, TX best known for being the class clown in a class full of super classy business executives, is making the quick trip down to Austin to present at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Innovations Awards Finalist Showcase. Modo is typically found geeking out at stiff payments conferences so being chosen by SXSW as a finalist is a huge step up in the cool-factor for this bunch. It's kind of like the leader of the debate team throwing for a field goal in the third period of the World Cup.

"Wait, what?! Are you sure they got the right company? Let me read that email again," said a stunned Bruce Parker, CEO of Modo. "I always knew we were pretty awesome at this payments plumbing, but South By? That's a whole 'nother level."

Modo will be presenting as part of the "New Economy" category, which focuses on companies redefining the exchange of goods and services, from the sharing economy, to virtual currency, to micro-finance, to mobile-device-payment systems, and beyond.

"Ok this is starting to make a little more sense," Parker went on to say. "We have been on a roll lately and over the last several months have partnered with some forward thinking folks who are using Modo's COIN® technology to lay the foundation for this 'New Economy' they speak of."

Some examples of COIN operated solutions include:

    --  Use of loyalty points at the point of sale
    --  Cross-border business to consumer payments for gig economy workers
    --  Rapid and seamless digital checkout integration

Modo's team are taking suggestions on how to fit in with the in crowd at SXSW. They want to put their best foot forward, but don't have much experience with the Austin scene. Their main questions are: is Pokemon Go still cool? Is it okay to do flash mobs at SXSW parties? And, where is the Google Glass meetup?

Please reach out to info@modopayments.com if you have answers to these questions. Just don't harsh their vibe, they are new to this being hip thing.

About Modo
Modo is enabling interoperability of payments systems worldwide through their COIN® operated Digital Payments Hub. The Modo COIN empowers the global payments and financial services ecosystem to forge new partnerships and realize new service offerings by facilitating the movement of monetary value from just about any source to just about any destination without modification of existing payments infrastructure. To learn more visit https://modopayments.com.

Press Contact:
Rob Wells

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/modo-named-as-finalist-for-20th-annual-sxsw-interactive-innovation-awards-300395135.html