
Publication date : 30.01.2013

On 24 January 2012, the Minister of Treasury Miko?aj Budzanowski took part in IV Energy Executive Congress organized by Forbes monthly magazine. The meeting focused on issues relating to Polish energy sector. At the end of the event, the Minister sat on a special Forbes Couch answering questions of the editor-in-chief of magazine's Polish edition.

The Minister of Treasury Miko?aj Budzanowski discussed, among other things, the government's new "Polish Investments" Programme, pipeline network expansion, joint plans of the Azoty Group and Lotos to build a petrochemical installation, as well as implementation of new power units.

He also referred to the prospects of shale gas extraction in Poland: The target which we set ourselves is to run the first mine of unconventional gas in 2015. This is the focus of efforts of the companies involved in this project. Over the last year, we managed to do a lot in this regard. Up to now, 39 wells have already been drilled and others are in progress. In order to continue drilling, Polish companies need to be financed. Renegotiating the contract with Gazprom helped in the case of PGNiG and so this year the company will drill 13 exploratory wells. PKN Orlen also does a lot in this matter. By 2015, PLN 5 billion will be spent on investment in shale gas. Indeed, there is still conventional gas, and we also plan to accelerate work on the efficient use of its resources in Poland. In the end, our efforts will result in the final customer getting the fuel at a better price.

Guests of the Congress discussed the innovative solutions for the energy sector, shale gas, environment protection and the future of Smart Grid technology. Participants were particularly interested in European and international experience in this field, as well as the possibility of their use in Poland. The meeting also focused on a broadly understood Polish energy policy.

Publication date : 30.01.2013

Published by : Agnieszka Steindl
Author : Public Relations Office

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