Twenty-three out of altogether ninety applications were bestowed the Family-friendly Workplace 2012 title. The awards were handed over in Budapest on Friday.

State Secretary for Social, Family and Youth Affairs Miklós Soltész in his keynote speech emphasized the significance of families serving as the fundamentals of a nation, calling it important that enterprises also focus on the situation of their employees and their families.

For the Family-friendly Workplace award applications have been invited annually since 2000. As of 2011, the State Secretariat for Social, Family and Youth Issues at the Ministry of Human Resources rewards family-friendly SMEs, large enterprises and budgetary institutions with the title which now has a renewed form and modified content.

In his opening speech Miklós Soltész underlined that the first and foremost objective of the Government is to strengthen families. He also called assisting young mothers' return to the labour market a crucial issue.

Ministerial Commissioner Piroska Szalai, responsible for improving the labour market prospects of women, said that the new Labour Code includes measures which make the labour market more family-friendly, and best practices can be learned from the submitted applications.

In the large enterprise category the Family-friendly Workplace award was handed over to MVM Paksi Atomer

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