Divi Neguma Dept. a big boon to villagers - Says Minister Rajapaksa at the department's formal establishment on Jan.3

Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa recalled that the British had first established government departments with the idea of collecting revenue from their colonies whereas the purpose of the Divi Neguma Department was the quite the opposite. It is meant to economically strengthen the rural population through empowering community organizations.

The Minister Rajapaksa said this when he addressed those who attended the issuing of the gazette notification formally establishing formally establishing the Divi Neguma Development Department at the Economic Development Ministry auditorium at the auspicious time of 10.27 a.m.   The Minister signed the notification.

Religious ceremonies and other events marked the occasion in 332 Samurdhi Association in 25 districts and in 1,074 Samurdhi banks island-wide. Also participating in these ceremonies were hundreds and thousands of Samurdhi beneficiaries in 14,023 Grama Seva Divisions.

The gazette notification will officially empower the department to streamline the Divi Neguma programme by combining the services of five organisations including the Sri Lanka Samurdhi Authority, Upcountry Development Authority and Southern Development Authority in five regions.

Minister Rajapaksa thanked HE, all MPs, Ministers, provincial councilors and others who helped to make a success of the Divi Neguma National Development programme launched in 2011.

The Divi Neguma department has been established to raise the living standards of 1.8 million families and thereby benefit five million persons in accordance with President Rajapaksa's Mahinda Chinthana Vision and make Sri Lanka a poverty-free country by 2016. For this purpose food security will be ensured and micro finance, physical and social infra-structure facilities will be provided to strengthen livelihoods and development at community level.

Following the passing of the Divi Neguma Bill with a majority of 117 votes on January 8, 2013 in accordance with the recommendations the Supreme Court made 26,000 persons employed by the Samurdhi Authority and the five affiliated organisations will become entitled to all the salaries and benefits given to other government employees.

All Ceylon Agricultural Research Association President Jagath Kumara said that his association unconditionally supported the Divi Neguma Bill.

Economic Development Deputy Ministers Susantha Punchinilame and Muththu Sivalingam, Ministry of Economic Development Secretary PB Jayasundera and other ministry secretaries, heads of state corporations, Government officials, Provincial Councilors and Pradeshiya Sabha Chairmen were among those who participated in the event held at the Economic Development Ministry.

•Pictures by : Thusitha Chandakumara

•Compiled by:  Dharman Wickremaratne

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