Over IRR 800tn worth of shares traded at TSE since the start of the year
Sunday, Jan 12, 2014

(SHADA: TEHRAN) - More than 800 trillion Rials (USD 33.33 billion approx.) worth of shares have been traded at Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) since the start of the current calendar year (March 21, 2013), the Head of TSE announced.

According to the Securities and Exchange News Agency (SENA), Hassan Ghalibaf Asl, who was speaking at a press conference on Saturday, described the registered trade volume as an all-time record as the figure for the last year hardly amounted to 26 billion dollars.

He went on to refer to long queues of traders which he described as a result of improved liquidation capacities of the market and online trading as the latter helps an increased accessibility to the market for the Iranian shareholders. Out of the total volume of shares traded at TSE, approximately IRR 200 trillion (USD 8.33 billion approx.) has been sold electronically, he noted.

Referring to the first ETF which was subscribed at TSE last week, Ghalibaf Asl estimated the value of the fund's net asset at 1000 billion Rials (USD 41.6 million approx.), some 700 billion Rials of which were subscribed at the Iranian capital market successfully.

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