23.12.2013 07:59 Age: 30 days
A modern slaughterhouse opens in Rubavu Category: Minagri News

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Agnes Kalibata and the Minister of Local Government James Musoni on December the 21st officially opened a modern slaughterhouse in Rubavu District.
The state-of-the-art facility, set up by 10 local businesspeople working under a cooperative named CAMR (Cooperative d'abattage moderne de Rubavu), has been completed at a cost of Rwf 2 billion and 60 million.
Etienne Rwemerera, the cooperative vice president explains that the facility is installed with capacity to slaughter 150 cows a day. The slaughterhouse, constructed on 3 ha, has different departments including a park where animals will be kept before slaughtering them, a section that contains different machines used during slaughtering activities, shops for meat selling and offices as well.
The cooperative owners say that they will also venture into processing other parts of the animals such as chicken feeds and leather processing among others.
Minister Kalibata says the abattoir will ensure safe meat processing as well as helping to process horns and leathers among others.
Rwanda has started exporting meat abroad such as in Congo Brazzaville. Minister Kalibata said the ministry has plans to promote cattle that produce meat. A comprehensive study detailing the plan has been completed and 8000 ha have been set out for the activities, noted the minister.

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