• In addition, it has achieved a new annual record with about 500.000 new fixed broadband customers in 2018, with an extraordinary last quarter in this year.  
  • Yoigo, MASMOVIL, Pepephone and Llamaya, already have a convergent offer that includes fixed fiber bradband with very attractive prices and the highest level of customer satisfaction.
  • By the end of September, the Group had more than 14.4M households covered with its fiber offer.

Madrid, January 3rd, 2019.-  MASMOVIL Group, the fourth largest telecommunications operator in Spain and the fastest growing operator in Europe, has achieved a new commercial milestone by recently surpassing the total figure of 1 million fixed broadband customers.

The Group has exceeded this figure in a record time in just over two years, after being the alternative operator that reached 1M of fixed broadband customers in the shortest time in the history of Spain.

In addition, the one million customers of fixed broadband had been achieved in an accelerated timing. The Group closed 2016 with 122,000 customers of BA. During 2017, it incorporated a total of 382.000, adding in 2018 a new record of nearly 500.000 new customers in this segment (30% more than the previous year). This achievement is another demostration of the good commercial dynamics that the Group is experiencing.

Begining with the third quarter of 2017, MASMOVIL Group has been registering levels of quarterly fixed broadband gains above 100,000 customers. The last quarter of the last year has been the sixth consecutive quarter that exceeds this extraordinary number of customer acquisition.

Of the total fixed broadband customers, close to 67% correspond to fiber optic customers, while, in terms of new adds, 83% are through FTTH technology.

"We are very pleased to start the year with good news as we continue to receive excellent commercial dynamics and we have already reached in record time 1 million fixed broadband customers, which is a new milestone of extraordinary importance for the Group", said Meinrad Spenger, CEO of Grupo MASMOVIL.

"Our responsibility is to match the good aceptance of the market to our commercial proposal with the highest quality of service to our customers," he added.

Market leader in fixed and mobile, In addition to new clients and portability in each market segment.

The excellent evolution of the Group, leading the growth in the Spanish market both for the fixed and mobile, as well as for new customer acquisition and portability, has been possible thanks to the good commercial aceptance of its brands -Yoigo, MASMOVIL, Pepephone and Llamaya- that have maintained a sustained and continuing growth quarter after quarter and by having an attractive convergent offer for mobile and fixed broadband.

The successful integration of the brands within the MASMOVIL Group, has had considerable advantages and has permited to launch in a very short period of time its convergent offer with fiber for each which are destined to different market segments:

  • April 2016: fixed broadband launch in MASMOVIL brand.
  • February 2017: launch of fixed broadband in the Yoigo brand.
  • March 2017: launch of fixed broadband over FTTH in Pepephone.
  • October 2018: fixed broadband launch in Llamaya.

The recent acquisition of Lebara will allow the Group to lead the ethnical market where it already has an excellent position with its Llamaya brand.

On the other hand, another factor of extraordinary importance to achieve these results in fixed broadband, both in the residential market and companies, has been the accelerated deployment of its fiber optic network which, at the end of the third quarter of the year, had 14,4M households -including the agreement with Orange and the 39 provinces available with the NEBA offer. In addition, According to a study by the prestigious French company nPerf, the fiber network of MASMOVIL is the fastest in the Spanish market.

Finally, MASMOVIL Group has a commercial offer based on fair prices and excellent service quality. According to the GFK consultancy, all the Group's brands are leading customer satisfaction in their respective market segments, both in convergence and in mobile only, being the most notable case is that of Pepephone brand, which has an NPS (Net Promotor Score) 60 points above the market average.

About MASMOVIL Group

MASMOVIL Group is the fourth largest converging telecommunications operator in Spain that provides fixed, mobile and broadband Internet services for residential, business and wholesale, through its main brands: Yoigo, Pepephone, MASMOVIL, Lebara and Llamaya.

The group relies on a fiber/ADSL network for broadband and 3G and 4G network for mobile telephony. By the end of september, it has more than 14,4 million fiber households and reaches 18 million homes with ADSL. The companies’ 4G mobile network covers 98,5% of the Spanish population. The Group has 7,5 million customers in Spain.

MASMOVIL received the award for the best fiber operator in 2018 and for the fixed broadband operator in 2017 by Grupo ADSLZone. MASMOVIL received the award for the best fixed broadband operator by Grupo ADSL Zone, and the award for best fiber operator by the website, Grupo Informático, in 2017.

Additionally, it is the operator with the fastest fiber network in Spain according to a study by the company, nPerf, and the operator with the fastest 3G+4G aggregated mobile network in Spain, according to a study by the company, Tutela.

Follow us:

Web MASMOVIL Group: http://grupomasmovil.com/es/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/grupomasmovil

Press: Fernando Castro +34.656.160.378 fernando.castro@masmovil.com