A statement to the nation regarding avian influenza

Dear citizens of the Republic of Korea,

On January 16, a report of suspected AI symptoms was filed with the authorities in Gochang, North Jeolla Province, and the suspected AI was confirmed as a highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza on January 17. In addition, reports of suspected AI symptoms were filed with the authorities in two duck farms in Buan, North Jolla Province on January 17 and 18.

We set the period from last October to this May as a special animal disease control period and have implemented observation and thorough disease control activities. Since January 16 when the report was filed, we have carried out strong AI control activities including disinfection, access control and precautionary stamping-out primarily in the outbreak area. As to AI response preparedness, we raised the alert level from Yellow to Orange on January 17.

To prevent AI from spreading, we also issued a "standstill order" for poultry and poultry-related personnel and facilities in North Jeolla Province, South Jeolla Province and Gwangju at 12:00AM today according to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases after consultation with the livestock disease control committee.

We request the farms and related people subject to this standstill order to thoroughly comply with this order, and conduct intensive disinfection and thorough disease control for the farms and facilities. We also request the farms located in the regions in which the standstill order was not issued to reinforce their disinfection and disease control activities considering the materiality of the issue. In addition, in response to concerns about contagion by wild birds, municipalities and relevant agencies need to thoroughly manage wild bird observation and reservoir management in their respective regions.

Issuing the standstill order was unavoidable to prevent AI from spreading throughout the nation; after HPAI broke out in Gochang, North Jeolla Province, another report of suspected AI symptoms was filed with the authorities in adjacent Buan, and Gochang, where the first report was filed, is adjacent to South Jeolla Province and duck farms are concentrated on South and North Jeolla Provinces (69%).

This order is likely to cause many inconveniences not only for livestock farms but also for local residents. We would like you to understand, however, that these measures are unavoidable to put an end to AI, a highly contagious animal disease, in the early stages, and we request your active cooperation.

We also request the cooperation of all livestock farms and citizens across the nation for the following:

First, we request all livestock farms across the nation to reinforce their self-defensive disease control activities such as thorough disinfection. If you suspect AI symptoms from poultry, please report them immediately to the animal disease control center in your city or gun or to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

To our citizens, we emphasize that you can eat poultry such as chicken and duck with confidence because the poultry from the farms with the AI outbreak is being strictly controlled and will never be circulated in the market. We also request that you refrain from visiting poultry farms or migratory bird habitats if possible, and take extra care when you visit foreign countries with AI outbreaks.

We are well aware of the high level of concern of our citizens regarding the outbreak and will make our utmost government-wide efforts to prevent AI from spreading and finish the outbreak in early stages through full-scale cooperation among all government authorities and municipalities. We request the understanding and cooperation of our livestock farms and citizens. Thank you.

January 19, 2014

Lee Dong-phil, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

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