M & S HOLDINGS LIMITED - Update Relating To Change 17 Jan 2014
MSA 201401170024A
Update Relating To Change Of Name

M&S Holdings Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration Number 2006/011359/06)
Share Code: MSA ISIN: ZAE000165411
(ôM&Sö or ôthe Companyö or ôthe Groupö)


Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement dated 27
November 2013, wherein shareholders were advised that the
amendment to the CompanyÆs memorandum of incorporation
relating to the change of name of M&S to CSG Holdings
Limited (ôChange Of Nameö) was approved by the requisite
majority of shareholders at the general meeting held on 27
November 2013 (ôthe Special Resolutionö) and that the
Special Resolution would be lodged with the Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission (ôCIPCö).

Shareholders are hereby advised that due to a backlog at the
CIPC for the registration of the Special Resolution, the
salient dates for the Change Of Name (ôSalient Datesö), as
set out in the circular dated 28 October 2013, will be
revised. Shareholders will be advised in due course of the
revised Salient Dates, once the Special Resolution has been
registered with the CIPC.

17 January 2014

Transaction and corporate adviser:
PSG Capital

Designated adviser:
Sasfin Capital
(a division of Sasfin Bank Limited)

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