LiveData Utilities, a leader in smart grid integration technology, today introduced RTI InfluxDB, a time-series database for Operational Technology (OT). RTI InfluxDB enables utilities to fulfill their customers’ demands for cost effective, high-performance time series data collection, analysis, publishing, logging and archiving.

A full-featured Open Source time-series database (historian), RTI InfluxDB employs RTI Server as the communications hub for Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) data from any source. With RTI InfluxDB, utilities can collect data from virtually any utility device or system using a wide arrange of protocols including ICCP, Modbus, DNP3, OPC, 61850 and many more. RTI InfluxDB provides a fully scalable, cost-effective, field proven solution that can be deployed on premise or in a public or private cloud.

“Because the electric grid has evolved over the decades, and equipment life spans can be decades, it comprises a wide variety automated devices, standards and protocols. It can’t be unplugged and replaced with one solution that can communicate across all screens or locations,” said Brad Harkavy, General Manager of LiveData Utilities. “Now, RTI InfluxDB enables smart grid applications and IIoT analytics, accurately recreates dynamic datasets, and leverages data across platforms, resulting in a more reliable grid with faster time to resolving any problems.”

RTI InfluxDB provides the data needed for analytics and business intelligence, simplifying the process of gathering operational data for determining various system averages, efficiencies and losses, as well as strategizing for improvements, procurement and rate case filings. It enables utilities to employ analytics tools such as Tableau or open source Grafana Labs with InfluxDB to deliver real-time, customized visual analytics.

In addition, utilities can combine InfluxDB with LiveData RTI GAM™ to enable operations management and control room operators to visualize the current state of generation assets as well as time-series data in a single solution.

RTI InfluxDB is part of LiveData Utilities suite of high-availability solutions and services for the utilities industry. With deployments both in the United States and abroad, the company’s clients enjoy the reduced costs and reduced complexity of its solutions along with the virtually limitless ability of customization.

The product is being shown for the first time at the DistribuTECH 2018 Conference & Exhibition, Jan. 23-25 in San Antonio, Texas, DistribuTECH is the largest annual transmission and distribution event in the world. In its booth, #2668, LiveData Utilities is also demonstrating its latest smart grid integration technologies, including:

  • RTI Generation Asset Manager, an HTML5 real-time visualization and historian tool that is being widely adopted across the utilities industry;
  • RTI Asset ID Manager, which provides automated asset ID management
  • RTI Platform – control room grade dataflow engine
  • RTI Configuration Manager – a streamlined dataflow configuration tool

About LiveData Utilities
The explosion of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and the disparate energy management systems required to manage a fleet of DERs is forcing a revolution in how enlightened organizations are architecting the complex system of systems which make up the Smart Grid today. LiveData Utilities (LDU) RTI Server Platform is the industry leading, real-time OT solution to manage this forever increasing complexity.

LDU’s OT real-time middleware solutions are reducing systems integration time, resources and the long-term cost of integration maintenance. LDU products and services future proof utilities’ architecture by creating a standard middleware interface that eases the integration of tomorrow’s systems and devices.

RTI Server is frequently used for ISO, SCADA, OMS, GMS, EMS, ADMS, DCS, DEMS, automated device, data analytics cloud applications and multi-protocol integrations including ICCP, DNP3, Modbus, MultiSpeak, OPC, and Web Services.

Founded in 1991, LiveData is headquartered in Cambridge, MA. For more information, visit

NOTE: RTI InfluxDB, RTI Server, and RTI GAM are trademarks of LiveData, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners, and are used for identification purposes only.