Calgary, Alberta (January 09, 2014) - Since introducing its geo-targeted text messaging advertising program AdCentral, earlier this year, Calgary-based Ivrnet has signed up three Canadian transit authorities with high volume text messaging data bases totaling more than 3.4 million messages per month (41 million text messages/year).  The company is also in negotiations with major US transit authorities with high volume texting needs.

"The response to our proprietary software program has been faster than we anticipated," says Hanif Mohamed, Ivrnet's VP Product and Business Development.

"AdCentral is designed to make ads on large volume text messaging programs simple, effective, and seamless for end users and for marketers.  Our clients have been impressed with our software's capability to send different marketing programs to different areas of a city, and its ability to select a geographically targeted radius around the advertiser's area of interest. Then, based on the advertiser's feedback and each program's effectiveness, we can add or remove areas of the city on the fly, or even change the content of the program."

Ivrnet's geo-targeted text messaging advertising program AdCentral is clicking with transit authorities with high-volume text messaging needs.

"The fact that our text message advertisements include links to the mobile websites of marketers, allowing users to see far more content than what's available in traditional text-only text messages, is a huge benefit for advertisers."

Mohamed added that AdCentral is a free software program for transit authorities.  "There is no cost to the transit authority.  In fact, AdCentral is designed to be a revenue generator, as both Ivrnet and the transit authority share in the revenues generated from advertising."  

AdCentral's software has the capability to send different marketing programs (that include links) to differentareas of a city and to select a geographically targeted radius around an advertiser's area of interest.

"It is our hope that AdCentral can significantly decrease the costs associated with providing value-added text messaging services to consumers, which obviously benefits both the consumers and transit authorities."

Adds Mohamed, "Our market is currently North America, although the proprietary platform can be used anywhere in the world with any enterprise-scale text messaging program. We see a huge upside for AdCentral.  Geo-targeted text messaging programs like AdCentral have the potential for very large audiences."

About Ivrnet

Ivrnet is a software and communications company that develops, hosts, sells and supports value added business process improvement software applications, delivered through the traditional phone network and the Internet. These applications facilitate automated interaction through personalized communication between people; mass communication for disseminating information to thousands of people concurrently and personalized communication between people and automated systems. Ivrnet's applications are accessible through nearly any form of communication technology, at any time, from anywhere in North America via voice, phone, fax, email, texting and the Internet.

For more information, interviews or hi-rez visuals, please contact:

Mr. Hanif Mohamed, VP Product and Business Development, Ivrnet (403)

Mr. Neil Bousquet APR, Media Relations, Ivrnet (250)

Mr. David L. Snell, President,

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