Picking motivation out of thin air can be hard, especially when it comes to the gym. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily or weekly routine might seem challenging, but with the right amount of motivation accompanied with the tips on this list, you'll be well on your way to a healthier you!

Find Your Place

Finding the right atmosphere is essential. If you don't enjoy the look and feel of your gym, how likely are you to spend time there? You should also ask yourself what type of gym you wish to go to. There are relaxed and laid-back gyms like Planet Fitness, upscale and slightly more intense fitness clubs including LA Fitness, or even group-oriented clubs like Orange Theory. Asking friends and family is a great way to gather impressions of a gym without placing yourself in front of a salesman.

[Attachment] Goals and Motivation

Before you take any action, it is important to have a solid grasp on what your reasons and goals are for pursuing a more active lifestyle. The reason itself doesn't have to be too complicated, it can be as simple as improving your overall wellness. The goal may be a little more specific. Are you training for a marathon? Want to cut down on the belly? Improve strength? Tone muscles?

If it has been a while or you're new to the gym, it may be best to sit down with a professional that can help you decide what areas you would like to improve.

[Attachment]Fitness Plan

So you know where you want to go, now how do you get there? One of the biggest frustrations new gym-goers can run in to is finding out what they need to do to get from point A to point B. Sure there may be machines and weights all around you, but what do they do? How can you utilize them to their maximum potential?

This is another opportunity where you can enlist the help of a trainer for advice and tips. A good trainer will show you a wide range of exercises for different muscle groups. If you're comfortable doing research on your own, websites like bodybuilding.com offer plenty of resources!

[Attachment]DietOne of the sole purposes of the gym is to expend energy and shape it into something else. Without a proper diet, you could suffer from fatigue early on, potentially causing damage to your body and your motivation levels. You can find plenty of tips and tricks for getting your diet on the right track by reading a few of our articles in the Fitness, Health, and Wellness section of our blog.

While we do offer some insight and ideas, a dietitian or other healthcare professional should serve as your primary source for diet advice, everyone has different needs!

[Attachment]< /a>Groove

'Finding your groove' carries multiple meanings here. First and foremost, decide what days and time of day work best for you. Establishing a regular schedule and sticking to it is one of the most important parts of maintaining an active lifestyle. The second meaning of groove is probably the more obvious one - music! Music helps clear my mind and ensures a productive work out by keeping me focused. If music isn't your thing, that's okay too! There are plenty of people who listen to audiobooks or ambient sounds to keep them focused. Try and see what works best for you and what you enjoy the most.

[Attachment] Friend

Finding the motivation to go to the gym by yourself can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're a new gym-goer. Having a gym partner can be great for accountability as well as shyness because let's face it, some exercises look a little silly no matter who you are. I remember how embarrassed I would feel struggling on a heavy exercise without a spotter or trying a new workout without someone to make mistakes with me. If you like doing things alone, more power to you. But a gym partner is always an option.

That's it! We hope that this list has given you ideas to kick start your fitness plan.