Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Innovations in Bio-based Batteries and Fuel Cells - Energy and Power Systems TOE" report to their offering.

The topics regularly presented range from energy storage technologies (batteries, fuel cells, flywheels and other advanced energy storage devices) to non-renewable energy such as oil and gas. Special emphasis is given to emerging areas in the renewable sector such as photovoltaics, wind energy, and geothermal energy, and emerging alternative fuels such as hydrogen, syngas, ethanol and biofuels. The EPS TOE keeps clients abreast of the latest R&D developments at major corporate and academic research centers, provides competitor intelligence and helps create strategic alliances.

Bio-based energy storage uses biological substances such as glucose, microbes, or viruses as the active material. Bio-based energy storage is gaining high R&D interest lately due to possibilities to create energy storage that is safe to human and environment while providing additional value proposition for the biological subtances. This issue will focus innovations that happen within two major segments of electrochemical-based energy storage, which are batteries and fuel cells.

The Sustainable Energy cluster provides global insights and intelligence on a wide variety of disruptive emerging technologies and platforms ranging from energy storage, advanced batteries, solar and wind energy, to unconventional oil, bioenergy, geothermal energy, and energy transmission.

Key Topics Covered:

Innovations in Biobatteries

- University of Southern California, US

- Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

- Wageningen University, Netherlands

- State University of New York-Binghamton, US

- Strategic Perspectives

- Industry Interactions

Innovations in Microbial Fuel Cells

- Microbial Fuel Cells Powered by Catalysts Derived from Food Waste

- Energy Generation from Waste Tomatoes Using Microbial Fuel Cells

- Powering Microbial Fuel Cells with Wastewater

- Self-Powering Autonomous Robots Using MFCs

- Strategic Perspectives

- Industry Contacts

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