Leading members of the recycled rubber and synthetic turf industries today announced that the Washington State Department of Health has issued its analysis of cancer rates and youth athletes playing on artificial turf fields with recycled rubber infill and has stated the following:

“We did not find the number of cancers among soccer players, select and premier players, or goalkeepers reported to the project team to be higher than expected based on Washington cancer rates for people of the same ages.”

In reaching its findings, the Department of Health analyzed the widely-reported list compiled by University of Washington Women’s Associate Head Soccer Coach Amy Griffin, which has fueled inaccurate and misleading press stories that have frightened parents by implying a possible link between playing on synthetic turf fields and cancer. To the contrary, the Department of Health in fact found that the list contained fewer incidences of cancer than would be expected, given background rates within Washington residents of the same ages. The Department of Health further assuaged concerns, saying:

“This finding does not suggest that soccer players, select and premier soccer players, or goalkeepers in Washington are at increased risk for cancer compared to the general population. In addition, the currently available research on the health effects of artificial turf does not suggest that artificial turf presents a significant public health risk.”

“[W]hat is critical to consider are the routes of exposure and potential dose someone receives. The available research suggests exposures from crumb rubber are very low and will not cause cancer among soccer players. The Washington State Department of Health recommends that people who enjoy soccer continue to play regardless of the type of field surface.”

Daniel Bond, President and CEO of the Synthetic Turf Council, said, “The announcement by the Washington State Department of Health corroborates the findings of over 90 reports, peer-reviewed academic studies, and federal and state government analyses that have demonstrated no public health risk from playing on synthetic turf fields. Furthermore, this report directly refutes the purported basis of a number of misleading reports that have implied a link between synthetic turf and cancer. Any responsible discussion of this issue must now take into account the fact that the supposed ‘premise’ of this list is false.”

Bond continued, “We applaud the Department of Health’s recommendation that children and athletes should continue to play on these surfaces and enjoy the many benefits of exercise and physical activity. In fact, the Department of Health’s finding of less cancer in this group of youth athletes than would be expected—given background rates in Washington—goes to show yet again how physical activity is among the strongest strategies for preventing cancer, and that, if anything, synthetic turf fields aid this fight against cancer.”

Michael Peterson, a board-certified toxicologist with nearly 20 years of experience, and Scientific Advisor to the Recycled Rubber Council, said, “The findings address an area of uncertainty and lend further credence to the many available scientific analyses on this topic with consistent conclusions: The best evidence indicates there are not safety risks associated with chemicals found in recycled rubber infill.”

The full Washington DOH report can be found at this link: http://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Pubs/210-091.pdf

About the Recycled Rubber Council

The Recycled Rubber Council (RRC) serves manufacturers, processors, and distributors of recycled rubber products; entities that supply products or services to those that manufacture or process recycled rubber products; and individuals or entities that benefit from recycled rubber products. Its mission is to communicate, advocate, and educate about the safety and beneficial uses of recycled rubber. For more information, please visit http://www.recycledrubbersafetycouncil.org/.

About the Safe Fields Alliance

The Safe Fields Alliance (SFA) is a coalition dedicated to educating stakeholders around the safety of synthetic turf fields and crumb rubber, including that based on an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence, there is no link between turf and crumb rubber and health issues. Three of the leading North American manufacturers of synthetic turf fields – FieldTurf, Sprinturf, and AstroTurf, working alongside several leading recycled rubber manufacturers, came together to help alleviate concerns related to this issue. For more information, please visit www.safefieldsalliance.com.

About the Synthetic Turf Council

Based in Maryland, the Synthetic Turf Council was founded in 2003 to promote the industry and to assist buyers and end users with the selection, use and maintenance of synthetic turf systems in sports field, golf, municipal parks, airports, landscape and residential applications. The organization is also a resource for current, credible, and independent research on the safety and environmental impact of synthetic turf, as well as technical guidance on the selection, installation, maintenance, and environmentally responsible disposal of synthetic turf. Membership includes builders, landscape architects, testing labs, maintenance providers, manufacturers, suppliers, installation contractors, infill material suppliers and other specialty service companies. For more information, visit www.syntheticturfcouncil.org.