Fresh & Easy is pleased to announce that INVIGORADE Endurance Drink is now being sold at its locations in California, Nevada and Arizona. INVIGORADE has become a fast favorite amongst competitive SoCal triathletes, runners, cyclists, CrossFitters, ultramarathoners, and other endurance athletes, for its aid in performance, natural ingredients, low sugar content, and great taste, but its entrance into Fresh & Easy marks a big step forward for the brand.

“I'm thrilled to be working with Fresh & Easy,” says President and CEO Dan Morad, “our partnership with them has put us into more stores in Southern California, where we are best known, but it has also introduced us into new markets throughout Northern California, Nevada, and Arizona. Fresh & Easy is the beginning of a year of great growth for INVIGORADE.”

“We’re constantly innovating and working to bring our customers something exciting and new,” said Rob Heitmeyer, Fresh & Easy Beverage Buyer. “INVIGORADE is exactly the type of product that many of our customers want to see – something that fits the modern consumer’s need for more healthy and natural convenience products.”

Since transitioning to new ownership over a year ago, Fresh & Easy has reinvigorated its brand and its stores with the aim of fulfilling a new mission – saving customers time by making fresh and natural food more available and affordable.

Fresh & Easy made a great fit for INVIGORADE for their emphasis on natural products and promotion of great health. “Our consumers are serious athletes and care about what they put in their bodies,” explains Morad, “so Fresh & Easy is the perfect place to open our brand to.”


INVIGORADE is a natural endurance drink company based in Hermosa Beach, CA. Their beverage contains up to 50% less sugar than other sports drinks resulting in a smooth flavor that is easy on the stomach so athletes can hydrate and maintain optimal performance. INVIGORADE is formulated with natural ingredients like pure cane sugar and sea salt. It contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Its flavor is ideal for consistent, continued consumption, satisfying without overwhelming.

For performance, INVIGORADE's motto is "Keep It Up" because their formula helps you keep it up in all the aspects that matter: energy, hydration, and muscle pH. Their proprietary tri-carbohydrate blend is proven to result in more available energy, its electrolytes help keep you hydrated, and a special amino acid, CarnoSyn® ß-alanine, helps keep your muscle pH up in the optimal range for performance.

INVIGORADE is the only beverage in the world that is self-determined GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by an Expert Panel for use of the amino acid CarnoSyn® ß-alanine, giving it a unique performance advantage over conventional sports drinks. INVIGORADE can currently be found at many top endurance shops in Southern California, at all Fresh & Easy stores, and online at

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