HDC - Hudaco Industries Limited - Audited preliminary report for the year ended
30 November 2011                                                               
HUDACO INDUSTRIES LIMITED                                                      
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa                                   
Registration number 1985/004617/06                                             
JSE Code: HDC ISIN: ZAE000003273                                               
AUDITED PRELIMINARY REPORT for the year ended 30 November 2011                 
Operating profit UP 42% to R426 million                                        
Headline earnings per share UP 28% to R10,24                                   
Dividends UP 26% to R4,40 per share                                            
Hudaco is a South African group that imports and distributes branded engineering
consumables, power tools and security, automotive and professional mobile radio
communication products. Its customer base is mainly within the southern African
manufacturing, mining, construction, automotive aftermarket and security       
industries. Adding value to the product sold by offering technical advice,     
prompt availability and training is a key part of Hudaco`s business model.     
Sales of R3,2 billion for the year are up 29% on 2010, whilst operating profit 
is up 42% to R426 million.                                                     
Hudaco has delivered a good set of results this year. Demand for our product   
offering was reasonable throughout the year, but picked up noticeably in the   
second half of 2011. The renewed focus on acquisitions also made a material    
contribution to profits this year. All acquisitions made over the past two years
are performing to or ahead of plan. Rand weakness from September 2011 had little
impact on the 2011 results, but if it persists, it could have a significant    
positive impact on next year`s earnings.                                       
The Engineering Consumables segment continues to be the core driver of profits 
for the Hudaco group, delivering 63% of operating profit this year - up 33% on 
last year on sales of R2,2 billion. Demand from the two key markets for this   
segment, South African-based mining and manufacturing was hindered by          
infrastructure constraints and managed only moderate growth in 2011. However,  
demand from mining customers in neighbouring countries was noticeably higher.  
The Consumer-related Products segment also performed well, increasing operating
profit by 39% from sales of R1 billion. This segment experienced strong demand 
for power tools and professional digital radio communication equipment.        
The group gross margin of 40% is much the same as last year, but expenses      
declined to 27% of sales from 28%. The net result was that the operating profit
margin increased to 13,4% from 12,2% last year.                                
Headline earnings per share of 1024 cents are up 28% on last year. The group`s 
dividend policy is to pay about 40% of headline earnings annually. The final   
dividend of 310 cents per share brings total dividends declared in respect of  
the 2011 financial year to 440 cents, which is a little higher than 40% of     
earnings and up 26% on last year.                                              
The financial position is healthy. Working capital (inventories, receivables and
payables) increased as new businesses were brought on board, but activity levels
are within our normal parameters. In the past year Hudaco has acquired three   
businesses at a cost of R251 million, of which R108 million has already been   
paid. R143 million is still to be paid over the next three years and is        
dependent on earn-out performances. The group has R169 million (last year: R262
million) cash on hand at year end.                                             
Trading conditions for the group have improved over the past year. Rand        
weakness, such as occurred in the last quarter of 2011, has traditionally led to
increased activity by mines and local manufacturers and this bodes well for    
Hudaco`s Engineering Consumables segment`s prospects in 2012. Demand from mining
customers in neighbouring countries is expected to remain strong. Demand for   
power tools and digital communication equipment, products in our Consumer-     
related Products segment, is expected to continue to be strong, but the outlook
for the security products business remains weak. The strong financial position 
also gives plenty of ammunition for Hudaco to continue to pursue its successful
acquisition strategy.                                                          
Notwithstanding the economic uncertainties created by the financial crises in  
Europe and the USA, the board is confident that the group is well positioned to
continue to grow earnings in the years ahead.                                  
As reported on SENS, Mr Graham Gardiner retired with effect from 31 July 2011  
and Mrs Nene Molefi resigned with effect from 27 October 2011.                 
Declaration of final dividend No. 50                                           
Ordinary dividend number 50 of 310 cents per share is declared payable on      
Monday, 12 March 2012 to ordinary shareholders recorded in the register at the 
close of business on Friday, 9 March 2012. The timetable for the payment of the
dividend is as follows:                                                        
Last day to trade cum dividend                  Friday, 2 March 2012           
Trading ex dividend commences                   Monday, 5 March 2012           
Record date                                     Friday, 9 March 2012           
Payment date                                    Monday, 12 March 2012          
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday, 5
March 2012 and Friday, 9 March 2012, both days inclusive. The certificated     
register will be closed for this period.                                       
Results presentation and annual general meeting                                
Hudaco will host presentations on the financial results in Johannesburg and Cape
Town on Friday, 27 January and Monday, 30 January 2012 respectively. Anyone    
wishing to attend should contact Robin Benson at 011 657 5007.                 
The slides that form part of the presentation will be available on the company`s
website from Tuesday, 31 January 2012.                                         
The company`s 27th annual general meeting will be held in the boardroom, at    
Hudaco`s corporate offices situated at Building 9, Greenstone Hill Office Park,
Emerald Boulevard, Greenstone Hill, Edenvale at 11:00 on Thursday, 22 March    
2012. Further details on the company`s annual general meeting will be included 
in the integrated report that will be published on www.hudaco.co.za during the 
second week of February 2012 and will be posted to shareholders on or about 20 
February 2012.                                                                 
Approval of financial statements                                               
The financial statements have been approved by the board and abridged for      
purposes of this report. Grant Thornton has signed an unqualified audit opinion
on the annual financial statements. Both the financial statements and the      
auditor`s opinion are available for inspection at the company`s registered     
For and on behalf of the board                                                 
RT Vice                                       SJ Connelly                      
Independent non-executive chairman            Chief executive                  
26 January 2012                                                                
Group statement of financial position                                          
30 Nov      30 Nov           
R million                                          2011        2010            
Non-current assets                                 2 939       2 700           
Property, plant and equipment                      182         131             
Investment in preference shares                    2 181       2 181           
Goodwill                                           516         331             
Intangible assets                                  49          34              
Deferred taxation                                  11          23              
Current assets                                     1 598       1 348           
Inventories                                        813         663             
Trade and other receivables                        616         423             
Cash and cash equivalents                          169         262             
TOTAL ASSETS                                       4 537       4 048           
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                         
Equity                                             1 525       1 314           
Interest of shareholders of the group              1 494       1 287           
Non-controlling interest                           31          27              
Non-current liabilities                            2 306       2 280           
Subordinated debenture                             2 181       2 181           
Finance leases                                     2                           
Amounts due to vendors of businesses acquired      123         99              
Current liabilities                                706         454             
Trade and other payables                           586         420             
Finance leases                                     1                           
Amounts due to vendors of businesses acquired      111         28              
Taxation                                           8           6               
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       4 537       4 048           
Group statement of comprehensive income                                        
Year                      Year             
ended                     ended            
30 Nov        %           30 Nov           
R million                            2011          change      2010            
Turnover                             3 182         29          2 458           
- Ongoing operations                 2 601         9           2 393           
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011          581                       65              
Cost of sales                        1 910                     1 464           
Gross profit                         1 272         28          994             
Operating expenses                   846                       694             
Operating profit                     426           42          300             
- Ongoing operations                 320           12          286             
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011          106                       14              
Impairment of goodwill and                                     22              
intangible assets                                                              
Profit before dividends received,    426                       278             
interest received and finance costs                                            
Dividends received on preference     201                       201             
Interest received                    4                         17              
Finance costs                        (247)                     (235)           
Profit before taxation               384                       261             
Taxation                             46                        24              
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                  338                       237             
Other comprehensive income                                                     
Movement on fair value of cash flow  (1)                                       
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE   337           42          237             
Profit attributable to:                                                        
Shareholders of the group            325                       234             
Non-controlling shareholders         13                        3               
338                       237              
Total comprehensive income                                                     
attributable to:                                                               
Shareholders of the group            324                       234             
Non-controlling shareholders         13                        3               
337                       237              
Headline earnings per share (cents)  1 024         28          800             
Basic earnings per share (cents)     1 026         38          745             
Diluted headline earnings per share  1 010                     784             
Diluted basic earnings per share     1 012                     730             
Reconciliation to headline earnings                                            
Profit attributable to shareholders  325                       234             
of the group                                                                   
Adjusted for:                                                                  
- Impairment of goodwill and                                   22              
intangible assets                                                              
- Tax effect                                                   (2)             
- Non-controlling interest                                     (2)             
- Profit on disposal of property,    (1)                                       
plant and equipment                                                            
Headline earnings                    324           29          252             
-  Per share (cents)                 440           26          350             
-  Amount (Rm)                       139                       110             
Shares in issue                      31 646                    31 540          
-  Total (000)                       34 154                    34 048          
-  Held by subsidiary (000)          (2 508)                   (2 508)         
Weighted average shares in issue                                               
-  Basic (000)                       31 617                    31 466          
-  Diluted (000)                     32 058                    32 109          
Group statement of cash flows                                                  
Year        Year             
ended       ended            
30 Nov      30 Nov           
R million                                          2011        2010            
Cash generated from trading                        458         327             
(Increase) decrease in working capital             (129)       12              
Cash generated from operations                     329         339             
Taxation paid                                      (46)        (49)            
Net cash from operating activities                 283         290             
Net investment in new operations                   (164)       (184)           
Net investment in property, plant and equipment    (64)        (50)            
Dividends and interest received                    205         218             
Net cash from investing activities                 (23)        (16)            
Proceeds from issue of shares                      2           7               
Increase in finance leases                         3                           
Finance costs                                      (234)       (234)           
Dividends paid                                     (124)       (120)           
Net cash from financing activities                 (353)       (347)           
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents          (93)        (73)            
Group statement of changes in equity                                           
Year        Year             
ended       ended            
30 Nov      30 Nov           
R million                                          2011        2010            
Equity at beginning of the year                    1 314       1 184           
Comprehensive income for the year                  337         237             
(Decrease) increase in equity compensation         (3)         5               
Issue of shares                                    2           7               
Dividends                                          (125)       (119)           
Equity at end of the year                          1 525       1 314           
Supplementary information                                                      
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS
34: Interim Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards   
(IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the AC
500 Standards as issued by the Accounting Practices Board, the requirements of 
the South African Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements. IFRS 9 and  
IAS 24 have been adopted for the first time during the current year. The       
principal accounting policies set out in the group`s 2010 annual report have   
been consistently applied throughout the current year. These results have been 
compiled under the supervision of the financial director, CV Amoils CA(SA).    
30 Nov      30 Nov           
2011        2010             
Average net operating assets (NOA) (Rm)            1 469       948             
Operating profit margin (%)                        13,4        12,2            
Average NOA turn (times)                           2,2         2,6             
Return on average NOA (%)                          29,0        31,6            
Average net tangible operating assets (NTOA) (Rm)  951         758             
PBITA margin (%)                                   13,8        12,4            
Average NTOA turn (times)                          3,3         3,2             
Return on average NTOA (%)                         46,1        40,1            
Net asset value per share                          4 721       4 080           
Return on average equity (%)                       23,8        18,9            
Operating profit has been determined after taking                              
into account the following charges (Rm):                                       
- Depreciation                                     24          18              
- Amortisation                                     13          4               
Capital expenditure (Rm)                                                       
- Incurred during the year                         69          52              
- Authorised but not contracted for                38          31              
Commitments and contingencies (Rm)                                             
- Operating lease commitments on properties        123         116             
Acquisition of new businesses                                                  
The group acquired 100% of the businesses of                                   
Midrand Special Steels, Global Communications and                              
Pentagon for a total consideration based on                                    
future profits and which is estimated to be R251                               
million. The results since acquisition date                                    
included in consolidated results for the year are                              
as follows:                                                                    
- Turnover (Rm)                                    322                         
- Profit after tax (Rm)                            29                          
If the acquisitions had been concluded at the                                  
beginning of the financial year, consolidated                                  
results for the group would havebeen as follows:                               
- Turnover (Rm)                                    3 224                       
- Profit after tax (Rm)                            344                         
Segment information                                                            
Year                   Year            
ended                  ended           
30 Nov       %         30 Nov          
R million                                2011         change    2010           
Engineering consumables                  2 187        25        1 750          
- Ongoing operations                     1 852        10        1 685          
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              335                    65             
Consumer-related products                1 006        41        716            
- Ongoing operations                     760          6         716            
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              246                                   
Total operating segments                 3 193        29        2 466          
Head office, shared services and         (11)                   (8)            
Total group                              3 182        29        2 458          
Operating profit                       
Year                   Year            
ended                  ended           
30 Nov       %         30 Nov          
R million                                2011         change    2010           
Engineering consumables                  274          33        206            
- Ongoing operations                     210          9         192            
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              64                     14             
Consumer-related products                163          39        117            
- Ongoing operations                     121          3         117            
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              42                                    
Total operating segments                 437          35        323            
Head office, shared services and         (11)                   (23)           
Total group                              426          42        300            
Average net operating assets           
Year                   Year            
ended                  ended           
30 Nov       %         30 Nov          
R million                                2011         change    2010           
Engineering consumables                  1 093        50        728            
- Ongoing operations                     773          17        660            
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              320                    68             
Consumer-related products                366          101       182            
- Ongoing operations                     201          10        182            
- Acquired in 2010 and 2011              165                                   
Total operating segments                 1 459        60        910            
Head office, shared services and         10                     38             
Total group                              1 469        55        948            
Transfer secretaries:                                                          
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited                                    
PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107                                               
Registered office:                                                             
Building 9, Greenstone Hill Office Park,                                       
Emerald Boulevard, Greenstone Hill, Edenvale                                   
Tel +27 11 657 5000                                                            
E-mail info@hudaco.co.za                                                       
RT Vice (Chairman)*                                                            
SJ Connelly (Chief executive)                                                  
CV Amoils (Financial director)                                                 
GR Dunford                                                                     
DD Mokgatle*                                                                   
D Naidoo*                                                                      
SG Morris*                                                                     
* Independent non-executive                                                    
Group secretary:                                                               
R Wolmarans                                                                    
Nedbank Capital                                                                
These results are available on the Internet                                    
"Value-added distribution - our core competency"                               
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