STORY: Indians braved an extreme heatwave as parts of the country voted in the world's largest election on Saturday (May 25).

More than 111 million people were eligible to vote in the penultimate phase of an election spanning six weeks.

Temperatures reached nearly 113 degrees Fahrenheit in places.

While the heat in the capital New Delhi hovered around 107 degrees but felt like 120 at 2 p.m. local time, the weather department said.

Delhi voter Shekhar Kapoor feared the sweltering heat was putting people off.

"The temperature is above 42 degrees Celsius. Voting is underway at this school but I cannot see people nor is there a queue. I voted here and hardly four to five people were ahead of me in the line. I think it is very hot and the turnout is very low due to this heat."

Many voters are questioning why polls were not held when the weather was more bearable.

Paramedics were on hand with oral hydration salts at polling stations in Delhi,

where mist machines, shaded waiting areas and cold water dispensers have also been installed by the Election Commission.

Price rises and a lack of jobs were two of the major election issues mentioned by voters to Reuters on Saturday.

Among those casting their ballots in New Delhi early on Saturday were Rahul Gandhi, leader of the opposition Congress party, who is the main rival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Modi's Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party is expected to win a third consecutive term.

Results are due on June 4.