"Who the hell was the imposter who went up on the stage before, and like, claimed a victory?"

Trump won New Hampshire's primary contest Tuesday night, but not by the margins he'd hoped for a knockout blow, beating Haley by about 11 percentage points.

That's a far narrower margin of victory than the former president and current Republican front-runner enjoyed in the Iowa contest.

And Haley is counting on it giving her the momentum to continue.

"This race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go. And the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina."


"if you didn't know what was going on, you'd say, she's really on a tear."

William Howell is a professor of political science at the University of Chicago.

He said Haley remains a long-shot to win the nomination, and she has her work cut out for her.

"She's going to need the month. She's going to need to set to work, to shift the the narrative of this race, call him out repeatedly for being unwilling to meet her on the, on the debate stage, these kinds of things and and try to make the claim that she is the face of the future of the Republican Party in ways that he is not."

Haley has made the case that Donald Trump is too mired in "chaos."


"Donald Trump, you have one bout of chaos after another. This court case, that controversy, this tweet, that senior moment. You can't fix Joe Biden's chaos with Republican chaos."

Howell says she's going to have to confront him more directly if she wants to win.

"She's going to have to come out and say that she's he's unfit for office, that he, he, he doesn't represent core interests of of the party and of the nation. She's going to have to, to actually land some punches. We saw tonight that Trump doesn't have any patience for any of that and was aghast that she didn't promptly, you know, remove herself from the race in the aftermath of tonight's performance in New Hampshire. And and so she's going to have to, yeah, get in close and land some body blows if, if, if this, these dynamics are going to shift in play to her favor. But she's got a long way to go."

Haley's performance in New Hampshire and her pledge to fight on means that, for Trump, for now, he cannot yet focus all his attention on Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden and the November general election.

The next big test will likely be the South Carolina primary, where one average of polls puts Trump 37 points over Haley.