News item | 08-01-2013

'Cooperation within the European Union must ensure that countries seize opportunities, as well as protect Europeans against the negative consequences of globalisation. Only then will people gain confidence in Europe,' foreign minister Frans Timmermans said in Rome during a talk with President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy.

In an earlier meeting with his Italian counterpart, Giulio Terzi, Mr Timmermans said that the path that had been taken towards reform in Italy was vital to strengthen Europe and the eurozone. 'The Netherlands, too, will benefit,' he said. The Netherlands is Italy's twelfth largest trading partner, while Italy is the Netherlands' fifth largest trading partner. At €22 billion, the value of Dutch exports to Italy exceeds those to all the BRIC countries combined.

The topics discussed by Mr Timmermans and Mr Terzi also included Syria and the Maghreb countries. 'We must increase the European Union's commitment to this region and speak with a single voice. Only then can the EU have real influence,' the Minister said. The two ministers also agreed to step up cooperation in Africa in the area of migration, so as to provide opportunities in their own countries for young Africans in search of a better future.

In Rome, Mr Timmermans also spoke to the Minister for Europe, Enzo Moavero, about the upcoming European Council, where negotiations will take place on the EU's multi-annual budget.

Finally, the Minister met the leader of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersano, to discuss the upcoming Italian parliamentary elections.

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