Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Concession Catering Market: Industry Analysis & Outlook (2016-2020)" report to their offering.

The report "Global Concession Catering Market: Industry Analysis & Outlook (2016-2020)" provides an extensive research and detailed analysis of the present market along with future outlook.

The global concession catering market is likely to grow steadily in the coming years driven by declining oil prices, rising global GDP, increasing travel demand, improving air passenger and flight trends, rising middle class population and declining food prices. Key trends of the market includes positive macroeconomic world outlook, growth strongly driven by airport segment, expected consolidation of key players and culinary and technological innovations.

The report discusses the major growth drivers and challenges of the market, covering the North America and Europe regions along with the global market.

The report profiles the key players of the market including Autogrill, SSP Group and Elior.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

1.1 Market Overview

1.2 Market Segments

1.3 Features

2. Global Concession Catering Market

2.1 Global Concession Catering Market Forecast by Value

2.2 Global Concession Catering Market by Region

2.3 Global Concession Catering Market by Segment

3. Regional Concession Catering Markets

3.1 North America

3.2 Europe

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers

4.1.1 Declining Jet Oil Prices

4.1.2 Rising Global GDP per Capita

4.1.3 Rising Global Travel Demand

4.1.4 Improving Air Passenger and Flight Trends

4.1.5 Rising Middle Class Population

4.1.6 Declining Food Price

4.2 Key Trends & Developments

4.2.1 Positive Global Macroeconomic Outlook

4.2.2 Growth Strongly Driven by Airport Segment

4.2.3 Effects of Key Player Combinations

4.2.4 Culinary and Technological Innovations

4.3 Challenges

4.3.1 Exposure to Unforeseen Events

4.3.2 Frequently Changing Taste & Preferences

4.3.3 Exposure to Currency Fluctuations

4.3.4 Economic Backdrop in Europe

5. Competitive Landscape

5.1 Market Share Comparison

5.2 Revenue Comparison

5.3 Revenue Growth Comparison

5.4 Geographical Exposure

5.5 Segment Exposure

6. Company Profiles

6.1 Elior

6.2 Autogrill

6.3 SSP Group Plc.

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