Tart and tangy, with an under­ly­ing sweet­ness, win­ter grape­fruit offer bright­ness to the cold days of Jan­u­ary.

This juicy piece of cit­rus shines by pro­mot­ing good nutri­tion while deliv­er­ing a zippy taste.

Orig­i­nally known as 'the for­bid­den fruit', grape­fruit made its way to the United States in the early 1800's via the Span­ish and French set­tlers who brought seeds to Florida.

From there, Span­ish mis­sion­ar­ies are cred­ited for bring­ing grape­fruit west to Texas, Ari­zona and Cal­i­for­nia.

Although avail­able year-​round, they are in sea­son and at their best from win­ter through early spring.

Grape­fruits usu­ally range in diam­e­ter from four to six inches and include both seeded and seed­less and pink, white and ruby red vari­eties. The won­der­ful fla­vor of a grape­fruit is like par­adise as is expressed by its Latin name, Cit­rus par­a­disi.

A really good grape­fruit doesn't have to be per­fect in color. Skin dis­col­oration, scratches or scales are nat­ural and may affect the appear­ance of a grape­fruit, but will not impact the taste or tex­ture qual­ity.

The fruits should be heavy for their size as this usu­ally indi­cates that they have a higher con­cen­tra­tion of juicy flesh. Grape­fruits should be firm, yet slightly springy once gen­tle pres­sure is applied.

The new year allows for, almost demands, a clean slate of dis­cov­ery in the food arena.

Refresh­ing and ver­sa­tile, incor­po­rate seg­ments of this pow­er­house cit­rus icon in sal­ads.

Pair with avo­ca­dos, beets, pis­ta­chios, fresh herbs, seafood, and pun­gent cheeses. From cock­tails and brulee (sweet and zesty) to tacos and wraps (savory and spicy), treat grape­fruit like a new found love.

Take advan­tage of the color, tex­ture and bursts of juice from densely rich seg­ments. The fra­grance is sub­tle but dis­tinc­tive.

Look­ing for a tonic to sup­port health and jump start a pos­i­tive new year? Ditch the orange juice morn­ing rou­tine and make it a fresh-​squeezed grape­fruit juice rit­ual.

Like most other cit­rus, grape­fruit gives an incred­i­ble lift to the immune sys­tem. Stay hydrated and enjoy fur­ther grape­fruit ben­e­fits for detox­i­fi­ca­tion, weight con­trol, diges­tion, heart and blood pres­sure health. Bright and tangy, sounds right.

General Produce Co. LP published this content on 28 December 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 05 January 2017 23:27:12 UTC.

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