Gaz Métro partners with SWITCH to promote Québec's green economy

Montreal, January 28, 2014 - Gaz Métro is proud to be associated as a partner and advisory board member with SWITCH, the alliance for a green economy in Quebec, to implement innovative solutions to accelerate the move toward a Quebec economy that creates wealth and respects the environment. The energy sector is at the heart of this transition, which depends on the sector's ability to offer innovative solutions in energy efficiency, reduce the environmental footprint of the transportation sector and develop renewable energy.

"National deliberations that SWITCH is conducting to identify ways to accelerate a green shift for the entire Quebec economy are of particular importance and interest to us," said Stéphanie Trudeau, Vice-President, Strategy, Communication and Sustainability at Gaz Métro. "Because of our efforts to develop strategic projects and new markets that are part of a greener economy, we are proud to respond to SWITCH's call."

This partnership reflects Gaz Métro's business values and innovative efforts that began years ago. The main natural gas distributor in Quebec, Gaz Métro is now a leading energy company active in Quebec and Vermont in the distribution and production of electricity-particularly through wind power-the use of natural gas as fuel and the development of biomethane.

Gaz Métro will also be a partner for the Ateliers de l'Économie verte, Rendez-vous des décideurs (green economy workshops: decision makers' conference) SWITCH is holding on February 24. This event will be an opportunity to think about challenges and solutions involved in the development of a green economy in Quebec.

"We are very pleased to have Gaz Métro as a member of the SWITCH advisory board," said the co-chairs of the Ateliers de l'économie verte, Karel Mayrand, Executive Director for Quebec of the David Suzuki Foundation, and Andrée-Lise Méthot, Founder and Managing Partner of Cycle Capital Management. "The move toward a green economy is important to companies from every sector of the economy. Together, we will realize the vision of an efficient, innovative economy that has a low impact on the climate and the environment."

Overview of Gaz Métro

With more than $5 billion in assets, Gaz Métro is a leading energy provider. It is the largest natural gas distribution company in Quebec, where its network of over 10,000 km of underground pipelines serves 300 municipalities and more than 190,000 customers. Gaz Métro is also present in Vermont, producing electricity and distributing electricity and natural gas to meet the needs of more than 305,000 customers. Gaz Métro is actively involved in the development of innovative, promising energy projects such as the production of wind power, the use of natural gas as a transportation fuel and the development of biomethane. Gaz Métro is a major energy sector player who takes the lead in responding to the needs of its customers, regions and municipalities, local organizations, and communities while also satisfying the expectations of its Partners (GMi and Valener) and employees.


Maryse Lemay
sustainability Advisor
514 598-3449
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