Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are computed according to uniform methodology of European Union by member states. The basis of calculation of HICP for Poland is:

  • an observation of representatives of consumer goods and services;

  • the weight system based on the structure of individual consumption expenditure in the households sector with national accounts statistics from two years ago.

The grouping of consumer goods and services has been based on the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose worked out for the needs of HICP (COICOP/HICP).

Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices  is calculated in line with the Laspeyres's formula.

In accordance with inflation criterion included in the Maastricht Treaty, HICP is a base for the stabilization price assessment. In Poland this index has been computed since 1997. In accordance with the EU regulations, the retrospective data in the scope of HICP may undergo a change as a result of verification connected with the methodology modification.


Zharmonizowane wska

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