Dublin, Ohio, Jan. 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Purchasing new appliances such as a washing machine can be daunting. From deciding what model or brand is best, to settling on a budget, many factors combine to influence a consumer’s purchase. Safeware, a leading provider of product protection and extended warranty solutions, reveals that during a recent review of purchasing and claims data that top-load washers were found to be the more popular choice for consumers.

While boasting attractive features such as higher energy efficiency, front-load washers cannot compete with the popularity of top-load models.


Data found on Consumer Reports’ online edition also supports the finding that top-load washers are the more popular model, as well as being less expensive. While more costly, consumers that purchased front-load washers report their decision was influenced by additional features, such as decreased drying time and increased energy efficiency.

Safeware’s data shows that out of all warranties purchased for washers over the past five years, eight percent more were purchased for top-load washers compared to front-load models. Front-load washers are also shown to have more than a seven percent higher claim frequency as well as a slightly higher average repair cost than claims from top-load washers.

“When consumers decide to purchase a washing machine for their home, there are many factors to consider, including budget and desired features,” says Bryan Schutjer, Safeware’s Chief Executive Officer. “Safeware prides itself on consistently analyzing purchasing and claims trends to ensure we are providing the most up-to-date protection options for appliances, no matter the model the consumer purchases.”

When purchasing a washing machine, buying a protection plan can save consumers hundreds of dollars over the lifetime of their appliance. Common repairs to washers include replacing the motor and water pumps. These types of repairs can set consumers back up to $150 for a diagnostic visit and up to $500 to repair the issue.

Safeware’s dedication to staying ahead of purchasing trends results in the most comprehensive protection plans available for appliances. From covering power surges to parts and labor, as well as allocating for customizable term options, buyers can have peace of mind that their appliances will live up to their expectations. 

About Safeware

Having pioneered the technology insurance industry in 1982, Safeware is now one of the most recognized names in product protection. Safeware’s innovative approach to insurance and    extended warranty solutions has propelled the company into multiple industries including education, corporate technology, fitness, furniture and appliances. By allowing partners to customize coverage based on their unique needs, Safeware provides best-in-class programs allowing customers to own their products with confidence.

Learn more about Safeware online at www.safeware.com or by calling 1.800.800.1492.


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Stephanie Wise