Company announcement no. 1/2014 23 January 2014 Increase of cultivation activities in Romania and Slovakia

FirstFarms starts up a new cultivation area in Western Romania, where FirstFarms owns
1,600 hectares of agricultural land. Until now this area has been rented out, but will in future be part of own operation. Furthermore, FirstFarms expects a significant potential for further expansion of the operation in this area.
In December and January, FirstFarms has entered new renting contracts with a total area of
1,300 hectares in Slovakia. This will increase the cultivated area in Slovakia in 2014 from
8,000 to 9,300 hectares.
The increased area of operation is in 2014 expected to be able to give a positive, but overall minor, contribution to the result of the year.
The expansion of FirstFarms' total area of operation with a total of 2,900 hectares is hereafter expected to contribute significantly to the future revenue on basis of the improved capacity utilization of existing resources in FirstFarms. The revenue is however still depending on crop prices and yields.
FirstFarms has also bought the company's previously leased operation centre in Eastern Romania, where we are now investing in improvement of the facilities with machine- and storage houses, weighbridge, staff facilities and new office. Management and operation is then consolidated in one centre instead of various places.
The company announces the expectations for 2014 in connection with publication of the
company's accounts for 2013 (26 March 2014).
Billund 23 January 2014

FirstFarms A/S

For further information:

Please visit our website www.firstfarms.comor
contact CEO Anders H. Nørgaard on telephone +45 75 86 87 87.

Company announcement no. 1/2014 for FirstFarms A/S Page 1 of 1

FirstFarms A/S

Majsmarken 1 - 7190 Billund - Danmark - Tel.: +45 7586 8787 - - CVR no.: 28312504 - Registered office: Billund

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