17 Member States have submitted Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans 15/01/2014

17 Member States have already submitted to the European Commission their final plans to implement the Youth Guarantee.

This ambitious EU-wide reform aims to help all jobless people under 25 find employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or traineeship within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education.

11 Member States are still preparing their strategies to deliver a national Youth Guarantee scheme.


In April 2013, EU Ministers adopted a Council recommendation on establishing a Youth Guarantee, which sets out in detail the measures and reforms to be put in place in order to ensure that everyone under 25 gets a real chance to get a foothold in the labour market.

Most elements of the Youth Guarantee can be co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), such as provision of job-search support or training, extension and modernisation of apprenticeship systems, hiring subsidies or traineeship grants.

Moreover, regions from 20 Member States are eligible for additional funding from the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) due to their high youth unemployment rate (more than 25% in at least one region). Their governments were requested by the European Council to submit their Youth Guarantee implementation plans by the end of 2013.

Member States with no regions eligible for the YEI are due to submit their plans by early 2014.

More information

Read the memo released today for more information on the state of play and the next steps on the Youth Guarantee implementation plans, as well as on the ESF and YEI support for the Youth Guarantee.

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