Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Energy Map of Mexico, 2017 edition" map to their offering.

An essential resource on Mexico's energy industry; depicting key infrastructures for oil, gas, power and LNG whether existing, planned or under construction.

With Mexico's significant surge of developments in energy infrastructure in the past few years, this map crucially provides the information you need to make an informed decision on investing or growing your presence in the region.

This 2017 edition takes into account the changing LNG landscape, updates to the pipeline network; and also encompasses the latest statistics derived from BP Statistical Review of World Energy ensuring the data tables of key statistics are accurate and up to date.

Mapping content:

- Oilfields and gasfields

- Oil, gas and product pipelines (existing, under construction and planned)

- Oil refineries

- Gas processing plants

- Tanker terminals, FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading) vessels, FSO (Floating, Storage and Offloading) vessels

- Oil storage facilities

- LNG / CNG import terminals

- LNG export plants

Electricity power network with power stations labelled by fuel type

- Thermal

- Coal

- Gas

- Diesel


- Hydro

- Nuclear

- Geothermal

- Wind-driven

- Solar

Inset maps:

Provides extra details on the infrastructure dense regions of:

- Bahía de Campeche

- Northeast Mexico

Tables and graphics showing:

- Mexico's proven oil and gas reserves over past 10 years

- Oil and gas production over past 10 years

- Consumption trends over past 10 years

- Energy consumption by fuel type 2015

- LNG projects

- An illustration of oil and gas trade into and out of Mexico

- Five year plan - confirmed pipeline projects

- Renewable energy capacity over the past 10 years

- Projected electric demand growth by region 2015-2029

For more information about this map visit