ELI: ELLIES HOLDINGS LIMITED - Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015
ELI: ELLIES HOLDINGS LIMITED - Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015
Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015
Ellies Holdings Limited 
Registration number: 2007/007084/06
JSE share code: ELI  
ISIN: ZAE000103081
for the six months ended 31 October 2015 
Revenue (Continuing operations) Up 27.5%  
Revenue (Discontinued consumer operations) Up 3.3%           
PAT (Continuing operations) Up 104.3%  
PAT (Discontinued consumer operations) Up 193.1%           
LPS of (1.56 cents) Improved by 88.1% 
HLPS of (1.02 cents) Improved by 92.2%  
NAV per share 166.75 cents Down(49.1%)
NTAV per share 130.03 cents Up (49.8%)
Interim consolidated statement of financial position
                                                    Unaudited         Unaudited           Audited
                                             as at 31 October  as at 31 October    as at 30 April
                                                         2015              2014              2015
                                                        R´000             R´000             R´000
Non-current assets                                    319 847           250 274           248 631
Property, plant and equipment                          22 625            28 801            23 254
Goodwill and other intangible assets                  173 041           207 859           173 407
Other financial assets                                  1 199               694             1 144
Trade and other receivables                            35 196                 -                 -
Amounts due from contract customers                    36 350                 -                 -
Deferred taxation                                      51 436            12 920            50 826
Current assets                                        473 293          727 629            536 100
Inventories                                             5 510           100 950            15 824
Trade and other receivables                           181 532           156 450           132 584
Amounts due from contract customers                   264 925           435 172           348 615
Taxation receivable                                       162            29 266            29 267
Bank and cash balances                                 21 164             5 791             9 810
Group disposals held for sale/distribution            964 530         1 041 832           948 784
Infrastructure segment                                 53 273                 -            49 517
Consumer and property segment (Note 1)                911 257         1 041 832           899 267
Total assets                                        1 757 670         2 019 735         1 733 515
Capital and reserves                                1 025 103           988 750           855 047
Stated capital                                        837 213           501 494           658 334
Non-distributable reserves                          (177 664)         (177 448)         (177 763)
Accumulated profits                                   374 586           670 872           383 667
Equity attributable to equity holders        
of the parent                                       1 034 135           994 918           864 238
Non-controlling interests                             (9 032)           (6 168)           (9 191)
Non-current liabilities                               100 771            19 035            96 210
Interest-bearing liabilities                           99 877             1 001            95 260
Shareholder loans payable                                   -               536                 -
Deferred taxation                                         894            17 498               950
Current liabilities                                   204 406           519 019           211 294
Interest-bearing liabilities                              164           240 711               210
- payable after 12 months                                   -           150 547                 -
- payable within 12 months                                164            90 164               210
Vendor loans payable                                    3 000             3 000            3 000
Shareholder loans payable                                 342                                 311
Trade and other payables                              190 829           167 656           186 915
Amounts due to contract customers                       8 171            18 511            13 662
Provisions                                              1 314             1 414             7 116
Taxation payable                                          551                26                45
Shareholders for dividends                                 35                35                35
Bank overdraft                                              -            87 666                 -
Group disposals held for sale/distribution            427 390           492 931           570 964
Infrastructure segment                                 13 029                 -             4 444
Consumer and property segment (Note 2)                414 361           492 931           566 520
Total equity and liabilities                        1 757 670         2 019 735         1 733 515
Supplementary information:
Net asset value per share (cents)                      166,75            327,81            190,76
Net tangible asset value per share (cents)             130,03            258,90            140,70
Number of shares in issue at the end       
of period                                         620 158 235       303 505 691       453 057 398
Note 1 - Assets: Consumer goods and
property segment held for sale/distribution
Non-current assets                                    204 262           224 219           207 094
Property, plant and equipment                         137 519           150 604           142 061
- Land and buildings                                   88 763            97 887            89 201
- Other                                                48 756            52 717            52 860
Goodwill and other intangible assets                   53 672            55 663            53 672
Investment in associate                                10 712            11 271            10 011
Deferred taxation                                       2 359             6 681             1 350
Current assets                                        706 995           817 613           692 173
Inventories                                           493 062           584 457           467 080
Trade and other receivables                           202 334           208 588           211 210
Taxation receivable                                       456               975             1 283
Bank and cash balances                                 11 143            23 593            12 600
                                                      911 257         1 041 832           899 267
Note 2 - Liabilities: Consumer goods and
property segment held for sale/distribution
Non-current liabilities                                50 441             3 952            48 946
Interest-bearing liabilities                           47 350             1 020            46 271
Vendor loans payable                                        -               896                 -
Shareholder loans payable                               1 917             2 036             1 917
Deferred taxation                                       1 174                 -               758
Current liabilities                                   363 920           488 979           517 574
Interest-bearing liabilities                            6 419           140 184           154 796
- payable after 12 months                                   -            87 121                 -
- payable within 12 months                              6 419            53 063           154 796
Vendor loans payable                                      980                 -               938
Trade and other payables                              185 835           295 577           230 673
Provisions                                              2 430             2 129             2 302
Taxation payable                                        5 404               357                47
Bank overdraft                                        162 852            50 732           128 818
                                                      414 361           492 931           566 520
Interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income
                                                    Unaudited          Restated
                                                   six months        six months          Restated
                                                        ended            ended*       year ended*
                                              31 October 2015   31 October 2014     30 April 2015
                                                        R´000             R´000             R´000
Revenue                                               205 112           160 910           201 315
Profit/(loss) before interest, taxation,
depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA')                2 682          (14 241)         (221 769)
Depreciation                                          (1 360)           (1 284)           (2 731)
Amortisation of intangibles                             (365)             (365)             (732)
Impairment of goodwill and other intangibles                -                 -          (34 428)
Profit/(loss) before interest and taxation                957          (15 890)         (259 660)
Interest received                                       5 681             3 465            10 198
Interest paid                                         (5 990)          (17 014)          (36 815)
Net profit/(loss) before taxation                         648          (29 439)         (286 277)
Taxation                                                  259             8 219            35 067
Profit/(loss) for the period from continued
operations                                                907          (21 220)         (251 210)
Discontinued operations - Infrastructure
segment                                              (23 054)           (7 453)          (24 769)
Discontinued operations - Consumer and
property segment (Note 3)                              13 225          (14 205)          (57 127)
Loss for the period                                   (8 922)          (42 878)         (333 106)
Other comprehensive income:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently
to profit or loss
- Foreign currency translation reserve -
  discontinued operations                                  99             (104)             (419)
Total comprehensive loss for the period               (8 823)          (42 982)         (333 525)
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                          (9 081)          (39 767)         (326 972)
Non-controlling interests                                 159           (3 111)           (6 134)
- Continued operations (Infrastructure segment)           861           (2 103)           (4 101)
- Discontinued operations (Consumer and
  property segment)                                     (702)           (1 008)           (2 033)
Net loss after taxation                               (8 922)          (42 878)         (333 106)
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                          (8 982)          (39 871)         (327 391)
Non-controlling interests                                 159           (3 111)           (6 134)
 - Continued operations (Infrastructure segment)          861           (2 103)           (4 101)
 - Discontinued operations (Consumer and
   property segment)                                    (702)           (1 008)           (2 033)
Total comprehensive loss for the period               (8 823)          (42 982)         (333 525)
* Restated - Refer to discontinued operations note.
                                                    Unaudited          Restated  
                                                   six months        six months          Restated
                                                        ended            ended*       year ended*
                                              31 October 2015   31 October 2014     30 April 2015
                                                        R´000             R´000             R´000
Supplementary information:
Basic loss per share (cents)                           (1,56)           (13,10)           (92,33)
 - Infrastructure continued operations                   0,01            (5,97)           (69,76)
 - Infrastructure discontinued operations              (3,95)            (2,46)            (6,99)
 - Consumer and property discontinued
   operations                                            2,39            (4,68)           (15,58)
Headline loss per share (cents)                        (1,02)           (13,17)           (81,34)
 - Infrastructure continued operations                   0,03            (6,22)           (60,22)
 - Infrastructure discontinued operations              (3,42)            (2,46)            (6,24)
 - Consumer and property discontinued
   operations                                            2,36            (4,50)           (14,92)
Weighted average number of shares in issue        583 633 462       303 505 691       354 135 067
Ellies has no dilutionary instruments in issue
Note 3 - Consumer goods and property
segment held for sale/distribution
Revenue                                               737 102           713 284         1 388 932
Profit/(loss) before interest, taxation,
depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA')               39 618             2 085          (33 960)
Depreciation                                          (6 811)           (6 245)          (13 648)
Amortisation of intangibles                                 -              (67)             (134)
Impairment of intangibles                                   -                 -           (2 551)
Profit/(loss) before interest and taxation
('PBIT')                                               32 807           (4 227)          (50 293)
Interest received                                       1 287             1 079             1 376
Interest paid                                        (15 180)          (15 108)          (24 306)
Share of losses from associate                          (327)             (591)           (2 729)
Net profit/(loss) before taxation ('PBT')              18 587          (18 847)          (75 952)
Taxation                                              (5 362)             4 642            18 825
Net profit/(loss) after taxation ('PAT')               13 225          (14 205)          (57 127)
* Restated - Refer to discontinued operations note.
Reconciliation of basic earnings and headline earnings
                                                    Unaudited         Restated
                                                   six months       six months           Restated
                                                        ended           ended*        year ended*
                                              31 October 2015  31 October 2014      30 April 2015
                                                        R´000            R´000              R´000
Net loss for the period attributable to equity
holders of the parent                                 (9 081)         (39 767)          (326 972)
Adjusted for:
Loss/(profit) on sale of property, plant
and equipment                                              14            (287)              2 682
 - Infrastructure continued operations                    219             (75)              (703)
 - Infrastructure discontinued operations                   -                -              3 719
 - Consumer and property discontinued
   operations                                           (205)            (212)              (334)
Impairment of goodwill and other intangibles            3 111                -             36 979
 - Infrastructure continued operations                      -                -             34 428
 - Infrastructure discontinued operations               3 111                -                  -
 - Consumer and property discontinued
   operations                                               -                -              2 551
Tax effect on adjustments                                 (4)               80              (751)
Headline loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders                                          (5 960)         (39 974)          (288 062)
* Restated - Refer to discontinued operations note.
Interim consolidated statement of changes in equity
                                                    Unaudited        Unaudited   
                                                   six months       six months            Audited
                                                        ended            ended         year ended
                                              31 October 2015  31 October 2014      30 April 2015
                                                        R´000            R´000              R´000
Balances at beginning of the period                   855 047        1 031 732          1 031 732
Increase in stated capital through the
issue of shares                                       178 879                -            156 840
Total comprehensive loss for the period               (8 823)         (42 982)          (333 525)
Balances at end of the period                       1 025 103          988 750            855 047
Interim consolidated statement of cash flows
                                                    Unaudited         Restated
                                                   six months       six months           Restated
                                                        ended           ended*        year ended*
                                              31 October 2015  31 October 2014      30 April 2015
                                                        R´000            R´000              R´000
Cash flows from operating activities                 (59 498)           12 166           (52 067)
Cash (utilised by)/generated from operations         (15 243)           43 451           (56 054)
Interest received                                       1 843            1 137              1 995
Interest paid                                         (5 949)         (32 081)           (36 815)
Taxation received/(paid)                               29 411            (341)              (944)
Cash flows - continuing operations                     10 062               **           (91 818)
Cash flows - discontinued operations                 (69 560)               **             39 751
Cash flows from investing activities                    (822)              946            (2 333)
Cash flows - continuing operations                        206               **             15 085
Cash flows - discontinued operations                  (1 028)               **           (17 418)
Cash flows from financing activities                   36 183         (14 656)             55 462
Cash flows - continuing operations                    183 481              ***                ***
Cash flows - discontinued operations                (147 298)              ***                ***
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
cash equivalents                                     (24 137)          (1 544)              1 062
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
of the period                                       (106 408)        (107 470)          (107 470)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end
of the period                                       (130 545)        (109 014)          (106 408)
*    Restated - Refer to discontinued operations note.
**   The nature of the group structure between continued and discontinued operations as at 31 October 2014, makes it
     impracticable to calculate the split between the continued and discontinued operations at this date.
***  Due to the central treasury function within the group, it is considered impracticable to calculate the cash and cash
     equivalents attribution to continued and discontinued operations for the 2015 interim and year-end financial
     periods relating to financing activities, as no separation basis existed in the prior periods.
Segmental analysis
                                                    Unaudited         Restated
                                                   six months       six months           Restated
                                                        ended           ended*        year ended*
                                              31 October 2015  31 October 2014      30 April 2015
                                                        R´000            R´000              R´000
Revenue                                               989 089        1 012 364          1 803 150
 Infrastructure                                       251 987          299 080            414 218
 - Total - continued operations                       205 112          162 290            201 357
 - Total - discontinued operations                     46 875          138 170            212 903
 - Inter-segment                                            -          (1 380)               (42)
 Consumer goods - discontinued operation              737 102          713 284          1 388 932
 - Total                                              737 102          713 408          1 388 932
 - Inter-segment                                            -            (124)                  -
 Property division - discontinued operation                 -                -                  -
 - Total                                                5 945            5 831             12 805
 - Inter-segment                                      (5 945)          (5 831)           (12 805)
Segmental profits/(losses) from operations
 Net profit/(loss) before interest and taxation        10 383         (31 059)          (347 083)
   Infrastructure - continued operation                   630         (15 553)          (259 128)
   Infrastructure - discontinued operation           (23 054)         (10 351)           (34 401)
   Consumer goods - discontinued operation             28 692          (8 663)           (60 225)
   Property division - discontinued   
   operation                                            4 115            4 436              9 932
   Other - discontinued operation                       (327)            (591)            (2 729)
   Holding company/consolidation                          327            (337)              (532)
 Interest received                                      6 968            4 544             11 574
   Infrastructure - continued operation                 5 681            3 465             10 198
   Consumer goods - discontinued operation              1 287            1 079              1 376
 Interest paid                                       (21 170)         (32 122)           (61 121)
   Infrastructure - continued operation               (5 990)         (17 014)           (36 815)
   Consumer goods - discontinued operation           (11 045)         (10 827)           (15 601)
   Property division - discontinued operations        (4 093)          (4 239)            (8 622)
   Deemed vendor interest - discontinued
   operations                                            (42)             (42)               (83)
Net loss before taxation                              (3 819)         (58 637)          (396 630)
* Restated - Refer to discontinued operations note.
Notes to the unaudited interim results
Basis of preparation and accounting policies
The unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015 have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), and comply with IAS 34 -
Interim Financial Reporting, the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting
Practices Board or its successor, the requirements of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 of
South Africa and the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited. The accounting policies used in
the preparation of the unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2015, are
consistent with those applied in the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2015.
During the current interim period the Group adopted those standards and interpretations in issue
and effective for the interim period. The adopting of these new and amended standards and
interpretations has not had a significant impact on the Group´s adopted accounting policies.
These results have been compiled under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer, IM Lipworth
CA(SA). The interim results have not been reviewed or reported on by the group auditors, Grant
Thornton Johannesburg Partnership.
Discontinued operations and disposal groups held for sale/distribution
The company has applied IFRS 5 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, in
the preparation of these results due to the following:
1. The Group announced last year that it intends to unbundle and list its Consumer goods
   business and property division separately and thus began disclosing this segment as a
   discontinued operation. Due to regulatory issues as a result of the April 2015 poor trading
   performance, the Group has had to delay this action. The board of directors ('the board') will
   continue to pursue the unbundling as soon as it is possible to do so. The board believes that
   treating the Consumer goods business and property division as discontinued is still valid and
   has continued with the IFRS 5 treatment.
2. Within the Infrastructure division, as disclosed in the April 2015 annual financial results,
   Megatron has scaled down and shut most of its South African operations. In addition to this the
   Infrastructure division has entered into an agreement for the sale of its Telecoms business.
   This sale has taken place subsequent to the reporting period and has thus not been disclosed
   in these results.
   These two Infrastructure operations have accordingly been reclassified to discontinued
Based on the above, the results of the Consumer goods business and property division and the
Infrastructure division and Telecoms businesses have been reclassified to discontinued operations
in the condensed consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income and
its assets and liabilities reclassified to disposal groups held for sale/distribution in the statement
of financial position. In addition, the prior year interim results for the six months ended 31 October
2014 and the results for the 12 months ended 30 April 2015, numbers have been restated, where
applicable, to show the Continuing and Discontinued operations consistent with the abovementioned.
Subsequent events
Other than the sale of the Infrastructure Telecoms business disclosed above, no other matters have
occurred between the reporting date and the date of approval of the Interim Financial Statements
which would have a material effect on these financial statements.
Ellies is a leading South African manufacturer, wholesaler, importer and distributor in diversified
sectors servicing the local and African markets. The Group comprises two main segments, namely
Infrastructure and Consumer goods.
During the six months under review the Company successfully completed its capital raises,
debt restructure with the Company´s primary lender, The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
('Standard Bank´) and its corporate restructure.
In terms of the Rights Offer which was completed in July 2015, the Company issued a further
167 100 837 shares at a price of R1.10 per share, taking the total issued share capital of the company
to 620 158 235 ordinary shares. An amount of R150 million from this capital raise was used to
further reduce the company´s debt, with the balance of the money used to fund working capital.
With the successful launch of the Rights Offer, the Company was able to complete its corporate and
debt restructure as announced on SENS on 4 May 2015, with retrospective effect from 1 May 2015.
In the prior period, all interest-bearing liabilities were classified as current liabilities as a result
of IFRS requirements, where if an entity breaches a provision of a long-term loan arrangement on
or before the end of the reporting period, that liability then becomes payable on demand. At the
time, the lender had agreed not to demand immediate payment and the payment terms have since
reverted to beyond 12 months at the date of authorisation of those financial statements.
The priority within the Group still remains the improvement of its cash position.
Within the Infrastructure segment we continue to cut down on overheads and are placing emphasis
on completing existing projects where historically significant cash was spent, and collecting on
the debtors. Included in the trade debtors are amounts of R35.2 million under non-current assets
and R25.5 million under current assets, for a project that was completed in October 2015 with
monthly payments due over a three-year period. We are in the process of finalising a discounting
arrangement to have these amounts settled early. As these debtors are denominated in foreign
currency and with the decline in the rand since the jobs were completed, we do not expect to make
any losses from this discounting arrangement. Certain historical projects have been put on hold and
have been moved to non-current assets. Management believes that these projects can be completed
in the future and thus no impairments were required. In addition to this the Group was able to work
closely with the relevant authorities to ensure that the R29 million tax refund was received.
Within the Consumer and property segment, the Group continues to push the sale of its overstocked
items at lower margins. The segment continues to explore options to unlock further cash through
the sale of its property portfolio. To date we have had limited success but continue to pursue this.
The Company´s Separation Committee will continue to explore all the options available in order
to ensure that the unbundling of the Ellies consumer business and the Megatron Infrastructure
business is progressed timeously. The board still believes that the unbundling and simultaneous
separate listing of the Ellies consumer business will provide greater investor flexibility, increased
focus by the separate businesses and the ability of the businesses to access different sources of
funding better suited to their needs and cash flow profiles.
The Infrastructure division
The continuing operations of the infrastructure division returned a profit of R0.9 million
(R21.2 million loss: 31 October 2014) on revenue of R205 million (R160.9 million: 31 October 2014).
Improved liquidity as a result of the successful capital raising, was only felt in the second half of the
reporting period. Reductions in overhead were also phased in over the period and the full impact
will be felt in the second half. The entire fixed cost structure of the Company was reviewed with cost
reductions across the board being implemented to reflect the ongoing strategy of matching variable
costs to each project.
With the closure of the manufacturing business and completion of our South African contracts
behind us, the division is now a 100% export focused entity, with all future revenues denominated
in foreign currency. The sharp decline in the USD/ZAR exchange rate subsequent to the reporting
period is expected to have a positive affect for the division in the following period.
The current order book is split across both public and private sector projects in Africa. The collapse
in commodity prices has not had an impact on the current order book, but this poses a threat in the
future, as most African countries rely heavily on extractive industries to support their economic
growth. The variable cost model with reduced fixed costs has been implemented to mitigate these
risks in future.
The Consumer goods division
While trading conditions remain strained with the consumer under pressure, Ellies Electronics has
been trading positively in the six months ended to 30 October 2015. The main factors that have
contributed towards this positive trading are the reduced costs in overhead with a lower staff count
together with increased efficiencies implemented. The segment has had a hard look at reducing
handling costs and making products more competitive, without compromising on the quality of our
products, in an environment where the consumer is more price conscious. We remain focused on
maximising gain with our distribution network and wide base of customers.
We have reduced our inventory levels significantly although this may not be apparent in monetary
terms as it is disguised by the major change in exchange rate where the same quantum of goods is
on average 20% higher in cost relative to the same period in the last financial year. We have cleared
all OpenView HD ('OVHD') inventory and have significantly reduced our corporate lighting inventory.
Load-shedding had a positive impact on the business during the period, with our locally produced
inverter trolleys in great demand. Inverter and battery kits are married in a convenient DIY unit
that is locally manufactured and assembled in our engineering department. With the lack of
load-shedding in South Africa since September 2015, we have seen the demand taper off, but
continue to sell these items, albeit at a slower rate, within other African countries who continue to
experience load-shedding.
The sale of MultiChoice and related products has been slower in the first half compared to previous
years. This is due to numerous factors; some being the general slowdown in consumer spend and
increased competition from the likes of OVHD. MultiChoice remains an important partner to Ellies
and we believe that with their promotions and technology advances made in new products, we will
see growth in the future.
We have seen a positive movement in the drive to digital migration. Ellies has been approved for
the manufacture and supply of satellite dishes and terrestrial antennas as well as the installations
of these items. During the period, we received an order for in excess of 400 000 satellite dish kits
and had started to manufacture these at 31 October 2015. Included in the consumer segment´s
inventory number is an amount of R18 million of raw materials and work in progress for this
project. The delivery of completed kits only began post October and any income from these sales
is not reflected in these figures. Ellies has also had antennas approved for MultiChoice´s Digital
Terrestrial Television programme for South Africa and Africa. We are now becoming more vigilant
in promoting the product and have manufactured and delivered product that will only reflect in the
next financial period.
The lighting division continues to find momentum albeit at a slower pace than first envisaged.
We have partnered with new technology partners and have launched a new range of domestic
lighting called 'Lamp for Life´ that is both technologically advanced and price competitive.
The products have so far been well received.
Ellies remains dedicated to the training and upskilling of our independent customer base with
training in various disciplines happening weekly. We hope to arm SMME´s in skills that will help
them grow their businesses and ready them for the digital migration and convergence.
The Company will continue to reshape itself in line with market demands and trends, and continues
to remain relevant and ahead of the technology curve. We pride ourselves on our product, service
and brand. With our increased efficiencies, lower cost and motivated staff we will continue to be
a significant brand and company in South Africa.
Dividend policy
The dividend policy will be reviewed periodically taking into account prevailing circumstances and
future cash requirements. In view of the Company´s financial position, no dividend is proposed at
this stage.
The directors and management would like to thank our dedicated staff for their hard work during
these challenging times and recognise and appreciate their efforts. We continue to appreciate our
customers, business partners, advisors, suppliers and most importantly shareholders.
By order of the board:
ER Salkow                                        WMG Samson
Chairman                                         CEO
25 January 2016
Executive Directors                              Lead independent non-executive Director
ER Salkow (Chairman)                             OD Fortuin
WMG Samson (Chief executive officer)
IM Lipworth (Chief financial officer)            Independent non-executive Directors
RH Berkman                                       FS Mkhize
RE Otto (will resign on 15 February 2016)        S Goldberg
RAM Broadhead (appointment effective on 15 February 2016)
Non-executive Directors
MR Goodford
MJ Kuscus (appointed 1 June 2015)
Registered office
94 Eloff Street Ext, Village Deep, Johannesburg, 2001
(PO Box 57076, Springfield, 2137)
Sponsor: Java Capital
Auditors: Grant Thornton Johannesburg Partnership
Company secretary: CIS Company Secretaries (Pty) Ltd
Transfer secretaries: Link Market Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Date: 25/01/2016 10:30:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). 
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2016-01-25 10:30:00 Source: JSE News Service (SENS)

Ellies Holdings Limited issued this content on 2016-01-25 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-25 09:08:05 UTC

Original Document: http://ellieshold.hosted.inet.co.za/news/story/4e4638bf-9305-4176-9ac0-161b4293d210