WIESBADEN- Germany exported goods to the value of 94.6 billion euros and imported goods to the value of 76.5 billion euros in November 2013. Based on provisional data, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that German exports increased by 1.0% and imports decreased by 0.4% in November 2013 on November 2012. The month-on-month comparison showed opposite developments of exports and imports upon calendar and seasonal adjustment. While exports increased by 0.3% on October 2013, imports decreased by 1.1%.

The foreign trade balance showed a surplus of 18.1 billion euros in November 2013. In November 2012, the surplus had amounted to 16.9 billion euros. In calendar and seasonally adjusted terms, the foreign trade balance recorded a surplus of 17.8 billion euros in November 2013.

According to provisional results of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the current account of the balance of payments showed a surplus of 21.6 billion euros in November 2013, which included the balance of services (+1.8 billion euros), factor income net (+7.2 billion euros), current transfers (-2.6 billion euros), and supplementary trade items (-2.8 billion euros). In November 2012, the German current account showed a surplus of 17.8 billion euros.

In November 2013, Germany dispatched goods to the value of 53.4 billion euros to the Member States of the European Union (EU), while it received goods to the value of 49.8 billion euros from those countries. Compared with November 2012, dispatches to the EU countries increased by 1.8%, while arrivals from those countries remained almost unchanged. Goods to the value of 34.3 billion euros (+0.1%) were dispatched to the Euro area countries in November 2013, while the value of the goods received from those countries was 34.1 billion euros (-1.0%). In November 2013, goods to the value of 19.1 billion euros (+4.9%) were dispatched to EU countries not belonging to the Euro area, while the value of the goods which arrived from those countries was 15.7 billion euros (+2.1%).

Exports of goods to countries outside the European Union (third countries) amounted to 41.2 billion euros in November 2013, while imports from those countries totalled 26.7 billion euros. Compared with November 2012, exports to third countries remained almost unchanged, while imports from those countries fell by 1.0%.

Flows of commodities and services in billion euros 
Item November January to
October November January to
2013 2012
Discrepancies in the totals may occur due to rounding.
1   Exports (f.o.b.) 94.6 1,011.7 99.1 93.7 1,017.2
2   Imports (c.i.f.) 76.5 828.0 81.3 76.8 839.3
Balance of 
3   Foreign trade (1-2) 18.1 183.7 17.9 16.9 177.9
4   Services 1.8 - 5.0 -0.8 0.2 -6.2
5   Factor income (net) 7.2 59.2 6.6 6.5 57.7
6   Current transfers -2.6 -39.5 -3.1 -3.1 -37.3
7   Supplementary trade items  -2.8  -22.5  -1.8  -2.7  -25.3
8   Current account (3+4+5+6+7)  21.6  175.9  18.8  17.8  166.8
Groups of countries 



January to
Percentage change from
January to
billion euros in %
Discrepancies in the totals may occur due to rounding.
Total exports 94.6 1,011.7 1.0 -0.5
EU Member States 53.4 576.9 1.8 -0.4
Euro area 34.3 371.9 0.1 -1.6
Non-euro area 19.1 205.0 4.9 2.0
Third countries 41.2 434.7 0.0 -0.8
Total imports 76.5 828.0 -0.4 -1.3
EU Member States 49.8 533.8 0.0 0.5
Euro area 34.1 370.9 -1.0 -0.4
Non-euro area 15.7 162.9 2.1 2.6
Third countries 26.7 294.2 -1.0 -4.5
Foreign trade (special trade) Exports and imports
Original values/calendar and seasonally adjusted values     
Year Month Exports Imports
calendar and seasonally
adjusted value
calendar and seasonally
adjusted value



change on the same
month of the
previous year

in %



change on
previous month

in %



change on the same
month of the
previous year

in %



change on
previous month

in %

1 Using Census X-12-ARIMA.
2012 January 86.1 8.6 90.2 2.9 72.6 4.6 74.0 -0.2
February 91.2 7.9 91.1 1.0 75.8 4.6 76.5 3.4
March 98.7 0.1 90.6 -0.5 81.5 2.1 77.3 1.1
April 87.2 3.2 89.8 -0.9 72.9 -1.1 74.1 -4.2
May 92.7 0.3 93.0 3.7 77.0 -0.7 77.2 4.3
June 94.3 7.0 92.2 -0.9 76.3 1.4 75.7 -1.9
July 93.3 9.1 92.8 0.6 76.2 1.5 75.9 0.2
August 90.2 5.7 94.3 1.7 73.4 -0.1 75.8 -0.1
September 91.4 -3.8 91.9 -2.5 74.5 -4.1 75.4 -0.5
October 98.4 10.5 92.3 0.4 82.5 5.7 77.4 2.6
November 93.7 -0.5 89.9 -2.6 76.8 -1.5 74.4 -3.9
December 78.6 -7.3 90.0 0.2 66.6 -7.8 73.5 -1.2
2013 January 88.2 2.4 91.6 1.7 74.6 2.7 75.5 2.8
February 88.3 -3.2 90.5 -1.2 71.5 -5.7 73.4 -2.8
March 94.2 -4.6 90.7 0.3 75.4 -7.5 73.7 0.4
April 94.0 7.7 92.1 1.6 76.0 4.3 74.8 1.4
May 88.2 -4.8 90.0 -2.3 74.6 -3.1 75.5 0.9
June 92.4 -2.0 91.0 1.2 75.4 -1.2 75.2 -0.4
July 93.1 -0.3 90.3 -0.8 76.8 0.9 75.3 0.2
August 85.0 -5.7 91.2 1.0 71.7 -2.3 75.4 0.1
September 94.6 3.5 92.7 1.6 74.3 -0.3 74.0 -1.9
October 99.1 0.7 92.9 0.3 81.3 -1.5 76.2 3.0
November 94.6 1.0 93.2 0.3 76.5 -0.4 75.4 -1.1
distributed by