Joe Trippi, Democratic strategist and FOX News analyst and Bill Jackson, CEO of, will join students, parents, teachers and community leaders at a National School Choice Week whistle-stop event in San Francisco on Saturday, February 1, organizers announced today.

The luncheon is one of 14 events along the National School Choice Week whistle-stop train and motor coach tour. The event will be held at noon at The General's Residence at Fort Mason Center, and is free to attend. (RSVP at

The event is hosted by National School Choice Week in partnership with The BASIC Fund, The Center for Education Reform, Foundation for Excellence in Education,, K12, and Students who receive scholarships from The Basic Fund will also speak and participate in the event.

The goal of the event is to demonstrate support for school choice and educational opportunity in California and across the country. National School Choice Week -- which will feature more than 5,500 independently-planned events across the country -- will be the nation's largest-ever celebration of educational opportunity. The Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for children, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online learning and homeschooling.

National School Choice Week (Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 2014) is an independent public awareness campaign designed to shine a spotlight on effective education options for children. For more information, visit or follow NSCW on Twitter at

National School Choice Week
Allison Schneider, 800-640-2671 ext. 104