Current Report No. 2 / 2014

Report Date:

20 January 2014

Abbreviated name of the issuer:



Information received pursuant to Article 160, section 1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments

Legal basis:

Article 160, section 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments - information regarding transactions of persons who have access to confidential information The Report:

The Management Board of Dom Development S.A. ('the Company') hereby informs that on
20 January 2014, the Company received notices, delivered in compliance with Article 160, section 1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, regarding transactions in Company shares by obligated persons:
- A Member of the Supervisory Board on 4 June 2013 sold 211 Company shares at PLN 43.00 per
share on average;
- A Commercial Proxy of the Company sold 122 Company shares on 5 November 2013 at PLN 47.50 per share and 178 Company shares on 6 November at PLN 46.65 per share.
All of the above mentioned transactions were ordinary session transcactions.

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