Cumulus Global is stepping up to provide fiscal relief with discounts for licenses purchased before Google raises the price on March 9, 2020. Google’s 27% price increase for Chrome Education Upgrade (aka Chrome Education / Chrome Management) licensing is sending schools scrambling to deal with the budget impact. The increase from $30 to $38 per device takes effect on March 9th.

“Most school districts buy Chromebooks towards the end of the school year and deploy them over summer break,” notes Allen Falcon, Cumulus Global’s CEO. “Schools have not budgeted for this price increase in the current fiscal year, creating a fiscal challenge if not hardship.”

To provide relief, Cumulus Global is offering schools discounts for the Chrome Education Upgrade licensing of 10% or more for schools that can make the purchase prior to the March 9, 2020 deadline. For schools unable to purchase before the price increase takes effect, Cumulus Global is pre-registering their needs and providing similar discounts for licenses purchased before August 31, 2020.

“Many school districts are finalizing their 2020-2021 budgets now,” adds Falcon. “By offering pre-order discounts for future purchases, we can mitigate the impact of the price increase on next year’s budget as well.”

Schools interested in taking advantage of these savings can contact Cumulus Global at 866-356-1202, by email at, or on the web at

About Cumulus Global
Cumulus Global has been providing cloud-based IT services to K-12 schools and districts since 2008. Partnering with Google, Microsoft, many other cloud services, Cumulus Global matches your needs with the right mix of technology, expertise, and professional services.