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29 January 2013
Able Success Asia Limited
12th Floor
New World Tower II
18 Queen's Road Centrai

Attn: Mr. He Jianhong (The sole Director)

China Packaging Group Company Limited
Suite 06-07, 28th Floor
Shui On Centre
6-8 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong

Attn: All Directors

Dear Sirs,
Mandatory unconditional generai offers by Kingston Securities Limited for and on behalf of Able Success Asia Limited (the "Offeror") to acquire ali the issued Shares (other than those already owned or agreed to be acquired by the Offeror and parties acting in concert with it) in China Packaging Group Company Limited (the "Company") and to cancel ali the outstanding Share Options
We referto the composite document ofthe Offeror and the Company dated 29 January 2013 (the "Composite Document") in respect of the captioned subject. Terms defined in the Composite Document shall, unless the context otherwise requires, bear the same meaning herein.
We hereby give and have not withdrawn our consent to the issue of the Composite Document with the inclusion of our letter and l or references to our name in the form and context in which they appear.
We also consent to the Letter from Kingston Securities and this letter being n1ade available for public inspection as described in Appendix III of the Composite Document.
Yours faith:fully,
For and on behalf of Kingston Securities Limited A;2l

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Suite 2801, 28th Floor, One International Finance Centre, l Harbour View Street, Centrai, Hong Kong

Tel l!i : 2298-6200 Fax 1: 2552-6666

distributed by