On December 27th, in order to give full play to the initiatingand leading role of 29 national key laboratories and science & technology platforms, coordinate development with particular examples, better promote technical innovation development and fully advance the construction of technological innovation-based enterprises, China Minmetals held a special working conference on the construction of national key laboratories and science & technology platforms. China Minmetals General Manager &Deputy Party Secretary and MCC President & Party Secretary Guo Wenqing attended the conference and delivered an important speech. China Minmetals leaders Shen Ling, Li Lianhua, Yao Ziping and Zhang Zhaoxiang attended the conference, with Shen Ling presiding.

In his speech, Guo Wenqing pointed out that the central task of the conference wasto fully advance the technical innovation work of the new China Minmetals, greatly promote the industrial transformation, structural optimization and quality and efficiency improvement of the enterprise, and urge it to pay closerattention to the real economy, technology leadership, gold content of enterprise value and core competitiveness in itsfuture development based on the construction of 29 national key laboratories and science & technology platforms. In this way, the overall scientific and technological work of China Minmetals can be raised to a new level,and innovation-based enterprises can be fully forged.

Guo Wenqing comprehensively analyzed the new situation faced by China Minmetals' scientific and technological work, saying that the new China Minmetals'scientific and technological strength has sharply increased following the recombination, and Its influence in the industry has been significantly enhanced. Itnot only has the advantages of a whole industrial chain from resource acquisition, design, construction, development, operation, smelting and processing to circulation services, but also a technology innovation chain from technological research and development, engineering design and conversion to application. He then pointed out thatthe new China Minmetals possesses 29 national key laboratories and science & technology platforms, is guiding and participating in 124 national research projects, has accumulatively gained 137 national science and technology awards, authorized a total of 1,826 industrial standards at home and abroad, holdsover 18,000 valid patents and has over 60,000 technology professionals in many fields. Its various indexes, such as platform construction, scientific achievements, patent number and talent team, rank top among central enterprises. Its overall level of technological management and technical innovation has entered into the 'first echelon' of central enterprises. In addition, MCC was awarded the title of 'Excellent Enterprise in Scientific and Technological Innovation' by SASAC for two consecutive three-year tenures in 2013 and 2016. It is also the central enterprise that won the most Excellence Awards and Gold Awardsinmetallurgy and constructionat the18thChinese Patent Awards.

Guo Wenqing emphasized the significance of strengthening China Minmetals' technical innovation work, pointing out that relying on scientific and technological innovation and implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development is not only an inevitable choice for China to accelerate the transformation of its economic development mode, tackle the deep-seated contradictions and problems in economic development, promote supply-side structural reform and sustain the healthy development of its economy, but also an inevitable choice for enterprises to cope with the changing development environment, grasp autonomous development, promote core competitiveness and achieve transformation and upgrading. Much of China Minmetals'business belongs to traditional industries with high investment, high pollution, high consumption and low added value. In order to break out of the operating predicament oftightening resource and environment requirements, thesharp increase of various kinds of costs and low profitability, we must transform the former extended development mode of winning the market with capital and adopting mergers and acquisitions to expand scales, improve the enterprise's core competitiveness and adaptin the connotative development mode of technological innovation and product upgrading by relying on the innovative power ofscience and technology. He particularly stressed that as the only state-owned capital investment company in the field of metallic ore in China, China Minmetals is thenational team of Chinese metal minerals and various relevant fields, andthe backbone of national scientific and technological innovation. To a greatextent, it represents our country's innovation capability and innovation level, and plays an important role in building an innovation-oriented country. To forge 'China's First World-class Metal Mineral Enterprise Group', we must comprehensively promote science and technology innovation.

Guo Wenqing then required that China Minmetals should spare no efforts to promote the construction of technological innovation-based enterprises in the new period. We should give full play to ouradvantages in technical innovation, vigorously expand such emerging businesses as new materials, high-end equipment and new-type urbanization construction, and forge strategic emerging industries and profit growth points. We should focus on such downstream materials as tungsten and rare earth in the deep-processing field, strengthen technological research and development, quickly rectify our weaknesses and enter into the camp of the world'sbest. MCC has specially established an Institute of Professional Technology in each of 6 emerging business fields, including pipe galleries. We should grasp favorable opportunities and transform our existing technology research & development advantages into enterprise and national standards and regulations as quickly as possible so as to grasp the high ground of the competition. We should take advantage of new technological achievements to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises, transform traditional industries through scientific and technological innovation, and walk the road of high-end, high-tech and high value-added development. We should promote the transformation and upgrading of metallurgical engineering to the high-grade, high-precision and advanced field, reduce the production costs of mining and smelting enterprises, reduce resource consumption and pollutant discharge,and improve the enterprise's market competitiveness and survival ability.Centering on constructing scientific and technological innovation platforms, we should form our industrial agglomeration effect focusing on such regions as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the route of 'One Belt and One Road'. We should also conditionally transfer, separately establish and combine a batch of science and technology platforms, and strengthen the radiating and supporting role of science and technology in our industries. We should develop distinctive industrial clusters, promote regional economic transition and form a new pattern of the concentrated development of the innovative economy by means of cultivating new business types and new models.

Guo Wenqing particularly emphasized General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirement to'take national laboratoryconstruction as thestarting point, strengthen national strategic scientific and technological strength, and size up the strategic high ground of future developmentatthe National Conference on Scientific and Technological Innovation this year. The new China Minmetals possesses 29 national key laboratories and science & technology platforms, which represents the Group Company's highest level at the national level. It is the strongest stepping stone for China Minmetals to participate in international competition, and a technical height combining technologies, talents andachievements inside the Group Company. We should give full play to the initiatingand leading role of these national key laboratories and science & technology platforms, and promote the rapid development of the overall strength of the Group Company'sscientific and technological innovation with breakthrough points,as well as by using the minority to bring along the majority.Based on the Group Company's '13th Five-Year Plan' Science and Technology Development Plan, and centered on the decidedkey development direction and urgent industrial development demands, we should do a good job in thetop-level design ofnational key laboratories and science & technology platforms, and formulate an action plan forscientific and technological innovation guided by national key laboratories and science & technology platforms. We should clearly know the core tasks of national key laboratories and science & technology platforms, strengthen original innovation, make breakthroughs in key core technology, pay special attention to such disruptive technologies as new technology, new materials and new devices, and strengthen source supply, therebysounding Minmetals and revealing China's strength inthe scientific and technological innovative road of metallic ore. We should promote in-depth cooperation among nationalplatforms, build a batch of scientific and technological platform allianceswhichwork together to tackle key problems, carry out large-scaleprojects and make great achievements with concentrated wisdom and mutual inspiration. In accordance with the requirement of 'building a national team of metallurgical construction', every metallurgical platformshould further form relatively strong and systematic solving ability and equipment products on the basis of professionalization, and make them both finer and stronger. Centering on the comprehensive research program of mine resource development and utilization, the Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Changsha Mining Research Institute should continue to consolidate the cooperation basis of deep-sea mineral resource exploitation, strengthen joint research, establish theirabsolutelyleading technical advantages in China, give full play to the demonstration role of nationalplatforms, and promote the hugeincrease of the overall scientific and technological innovation work level.

Finally, Guo Wenqing put forward four workingrequirements. First, pay closeattention to and strengthen organization leadership. Leaders at all levels should personally deploy, plan, organize, coordinate, supervise and handle innovation work, formulate the enterprise's strategic planning of scientific and technological innovation, and strengthen the inspection and assessment ofimportant innovative projects. Second, improve the science & technology innovation system. The Group Company should strongly support scientific and technological innovation in funds. Each unit should improve itsscientific and technological innovation management mechanism, strengthen itsorganic integration of technology and capital, and reinforce itsmajor support ofnational scientific & technological platforms. Third, make full use of the current bonus policies. We should actively strive for the recognition of new and high-tech enterprises, accelerate the layout adjustment of national key laboratories and science &technologyplatforms, and focus on implementing double-creation demonstration base construction.Fourth, rebuild the incentive mechanism of human resource development. Each unit should strengthen its technical talent cultivation and the Group Company should organize theimplementation of the'315 Technical Innovation Talent Plan'; namely, we should cultivate 1-3 academicians and over 10 domestically leading experts with international influence, and mainly support and cultivate about 50 leading talents in scientific and technological innovation withinfive years. We should improve the scientific and technological talent elevation mechanism, further optimize the incentive mechanism for scientific and technological talents, and create acultural atmosphere whichencourages innovation.

At the meeting, the Science and Technology Management Department made a status analysis of China Minmetals'scientific& technological work, and gave an account of its future development ideas, planning layout and safeguard measures.

Before the meeting, all attendees visited CRIBC's Theme Park Technology Institute, National Key Laboratory of Iron and Steel Industrial Environment Protection, MCC Inspection and Detection Authentication Platform, etc.

The meeting was attended by MCC's relevant leading group members, persons chiefly in charge of China Minmetals' relevant functional departments, principals in charge of science and technology of units directly under Beijing, principals of the relevant departments of the MCC Headquarters and persons in charge of China Minmetals'technological innovation-based enterprises, national-level platforms and supporting institutions.

China Minmetals Corporation published this content on 28 December 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 09 January 2017 06:38:04 UTC.

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