Capital for Colleagues plc / EPIC: CFCP / Market: ISDX / Sector: Investment  

    4 January 2017

                              CAPITAL FOR COLLEAGUES PLC                           
                      ('Capital for Colleagues' or the 'Company')                  

                              QUARTERLY INVESTMENT UPDATE                          

    Capital for Colleagues, the investment vehicle focused on opportunities in the
    Employee Owned Business ('EOB') sector, is pleased to announce an investment
    update in respect of the quarter ended 30 November 2016. 

    Key Statistics for the quarter:

      * GBP 5,429,235 (: GBP 5,042,735) lent or invested in a portfolio of
        18unquoted EOBs and 12 publicly traded companies displaying demonstrable
        employee engagement
      * Net Asset Value ('NAV') of GBP 5,205,581 (31 August 2016: GBP 5,249,017)
      * NAV per share of 54.09 pence (31 August 2016: 54.54 pence per share)
        Material developments in the quarter:
      * GBP 200,000 fixed term loan to Hire & Supplies Limited ('H&S') and 100,000
        convertible preference shares in H&S held by the Company, were redeemed
        through the allotment to the Company of Preference Shares in H&S worth GBP
      * Additional GBP 0.1 million invested in Anthesis Consulting Group Limited.
      * GBP 250,000 subscribed for 5,295 A Ordinary Shares of GBP 1 each in Office
        for Public Management Limited ('OPML'); the Company also made a loan of GBP
        50,000 to OPML.
      * GBP 150,000 subscribed for 150,000 A Ordinary Shares of GBP 1 each in
      *  Assisted Ecomerchant Natural Building Materials Limited with a short term
        working capital loan of GBP 47,000
        John Eckersley, Chief Executive of Capital for Colleagues, said: 'We are
        delighted to have added OPML and Bright Ascension to our portfolio and with
        the further progress we have made in aligning our interests with those of
        employee stakeholders in our investee companies.'
        Further information on the Company's investment portfolio is set out below.
        As at 30 November 2016, the Company's portfolio of unquoted investments
        comprised 18 companies operating across a range of sectors.
                                              Value of          % of Portfolio     
    Construction and Materials                                                     
                    Civils Store Limited      400,000           7.41               
                    Ecomerchant Natural       340,000           6.30               
    Building Materials Ltd                    293,224           5.43               
                    TPS Investment Holdings                                        
    Industrial Engineering                                                         
                    FJ Holdings Limited       889,333           16.48              
                    Ham Baker Adams Limited   405,000           7.51               
    Industrial Transportation                                                      
                    Place 2 Place Logistics   150,000           2.78               
    Support Services                                                               
                    Anthesis Consulting Group 635,000           11.77              
    Limited                                   220,000           4.08               
                    Cotswold Valves Limited   190,000           3.52               
                    CSM Site Supplies Limited 455,455           8.44               
                    Hire and Supplies         206,153           3.82               
    Limited                                   308,941           5.73               
                    Merrko Group Limited      45,000            0.83               
                  Office for Public                                                
    Management Limited                                                             
                    MI Accountancy Solutions                                       
    TOTAL INDUSTRIALS                         4,538,106         84.10              
    General Retailers                                                              
                    The Homebuilding Centre   340,328           6.31               
    (Holdings) Limited                                                             
    TOTAL RETAIL                              340.328           6.31               
    Software & Computer Services                                                   
                    2C Services Limited       50,020            0.93               
                    Bright Ascension Limited  158,050           2.92               
                    Computer Application      259,500           4.81               
    Services Limited                          50,000            0.93               
                    Figure Consulting Limited                                      
    TOTAL TECHNOLOGY                          517,570           9.59               
    TOTAL UNQUOTED PORTFOLIO                  5,396,004         100%               

    The loans and investments made by the Company to unquoted EOBs are aimed at
    delivering equity-like returns and bear interest at rates of between 9% and
    24%.  Each loan or investment is tailored to the individual investee company's
    operating performance and specific working capital needs.

    The Directors believe that the unquoted EOBs in the Company's portfolio
    currently generate total turnover of around GBP 71 million per annum and
    support approximately 600 jobs.

    Total Unquoted Investments as at 30 November 2016

    Cost (including short term loans): GBP 4,806,992

    Valuation (including capitalised costs): GBP 5,396,004


    Whilst the Company's core investment focus is on private EOBs, Capital for
    Colleagues currently has interests in 12 investments listed on the London Stock
    Exchange's main market or on AIM. The Directors believe that investing in such
    publicly traded entities, each of which displays demonstrable employee
    engagement, offers the potential to deliver a better return for shareholders
    than leaving the cash on deposit, whilst allowing the Company to realise cash
    relatively quickly if it is required for investment elsewhere.

    Total Publicly Traded Investments as at 30 November 2016

    Valuation (including cash): GBP 33,556


    Each of the unquoted investments is included at the Directors' assessment of
    fair value, in accordance with International Private Equity and Venture Capital
    Guidelines. Nevertheless, as a matter of prudence, the Directors have provided
    for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent. of the value of the unquoted
    investments for possible impairment. The Directors do not, however, believe
    that any impairment is necessary in respect of any of the Company's current
    unquoted investments.

    Each of the publicly traded investments is included at its closing mid-market
    valuation on 30 November 2016.

    No account has been taken of any potential taxation liability in respect of the
    increase in value of investments.

    The Directors of the Company are responsible for the contents of this


    For further information, please visit or contact:

    CAPITAL FOR COLLEAGUES PLC                                        0161 233 4891
    Richard Bailey, Chairman                                                       
    John Eckersley, Chief Executive                                                
    PETERHOUSE CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED                              020 7469 0930
    Mark Anwyl                                                                     
    Duncan Vasey                                                                   


    Capital for Colleagues is an investment company focused on the Employee Owned
    Business ('EOB') sector.  The Company has a clear strategy aimed at investing
    in, advising and growing established, mainly UK-based, EOBs as well as
    assisting companies which are looking to launch employee ownership schemes,
    providing the capital and advice to help them achieve their objectives.

    Capital for Colleagues has a proven management team, with a wide network of
    contacts and affiliates, as well as established access to investment
    opportunities, enabling the Company to execute its strategy and identify and
    capitalise on EOB-focused investment opportunities.