Capital for Colleagues plc / EPIC: CFCP / Market: ISDX / Sector: Investment

    3 January 2017

                              CAPITAL FOR COLLEAGUES PLC                           
                      ('Capital for Colleagues' or the 'Company')                  

                   Audited Results for the year ended 31 August 2016               

    Capital for Colleagues plc, the investment vehicle focused on opportunities in
    the Employee Owned Business ('EOB') sector, is pleased to announce its audited
    results for the year ended 31 August 2016.


    At the end of our second full year as an ISDX Growth Market-quoted company, I
    am pleased to report on another busy and productive period for Capital for
    Colleagues PLC (C4C) where we have succeeded in moving the company from "proof
    of concept" to "business as usual".

    Employee ownership is a successful business model which is acknowledged to
    improve productivity and create wealth while providing an environment of stable
    employment as well as the potential for attractive commercial returns for
    investors. We provide capital and practical assistance to existing and aspiring
    employee-owned businesses (EOBs) and help them to become effective and
    profitable organisations driven by the ethos of employee ownership.  We tend to
    be sector agnostic in terms of business activity and we structure our
    investments to reflect the individual requirements and prospects of each
    investee company. As a result, the funding we provide is very flexible and
    takes the form of debt, equity or convertible hybrid financing structures. The
    premise underlying all of our investments is that they should facilitate the
    full engagement of employees in a business.

    All investments also need to offer an eventual opportunity to exit or be
    expected to return capital as well as providing an attractive dividend or
    profit stream. Often, a prerequisite for C4C investing is the establishment of
    an Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) or an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) as a
    significant and active shareholder in the business.

    During the year under review, we further developed and expanded our portfolio
    of private EOBs to sixteen. We believe that the unquoted EOBs in our portfolio
    now generate total annual turnover of around GBP 67 million and support around
    550 jobs. At the year end we were also invested in twelve publicly-traded
    companies which have demonstrable employee engagement practices. They too
    yielded good returns on what is a small part of our portfolio.

    In the year to 31 August 2016, the Company invested a further GBP 2.44million
    in new and existing investee companies and we now have investments across a
    range of business areas, from civil engineering to accountancy, reflecting the
    diversity of EOBs and the breadth of investment opportunities available to us.

    Our advisory practice, which provides specialist advice and support to EOBs or
    companies looking to become employee-owned, had another encouraging year. We
    provide a comprehensive service:  advising clients on what needs to be done to
    become employee-owned, helping to manage the transition to employee owned
    status and providing the financial capital to achieve it.

    C4C is an active member of the Employee Ownership Association or EOA. The EOA
    represents organisations which are employee-owned or transitioning to employee
    ownership across the UK. We are an Approved Adviser for them as well as their
    only current equity funding partner. Under the terms of our agreement, the EOA
    will refer to us any members or other suitable prospects who are considering an
    employee buyout, who have begun the transition to employee ownership or who are
    seeking funding to develop an existing EOB.

    EOA membership has grown from significantly less than 100 three years ago to
    around 320 members today. As a sign of our commitment to leadership in the
    sector, C4C has sponsored the EOA's two-day annual conference in 2015 and 2016.

    We have always been convinced of the positive social impact of employee
    ownership and we remain active members of the Social Stock Exchange (SSX). The
    SSX, which is itself growing rapidly, provides access to the world's first
    regulated investment exchange dedicated to businesses and investors seeking to
    achieve a positive social and environmental impact through their activities. We
    value our membership of the SSX because it is a tangible demonstration or
    "kitemark" of our commitment to that objective. It also allows us, through the
    discipline of producing our annual Impact Report, to evidence our progress in
    social impact. As a requirement of our membership, we published our second
    Social Impact Report for C4C with the tagline "making work work better" and the
    report is available on our website.

    C4C was nominated in two categories at the Small Cap Awards 2016 and we were
    delighted to win the "Alternative Financing Deal of the Year" award which
    recognised the Company's innovative GBP 300,000 institutional and crowd placing
    completed in 2015.

    We undertook a short survey among employees of investee companies to gain an
    insight into attitudes towards employee ownership. Our sample size was far too
    small for scientific analysis, but the respondents were very positive about EO.
    For example, 82% say that working for an EOB "makes me feel happier in my work"
    and 81% agree with the statement that "If I want to, I can participate in
    important decisions about my company." 89% agree that "when properly
    implemented, EO is a force for social good".

    The progress of C4C over the last year is reflected in the development of our
    investment portfolio. As I have mentioned, we were invested in 28 companies by
    the end of the financial year.

    An example of a new addition to the portfolio during the financial year is
    Anthesis Consulting Group Ltd. Anthesis is a consultancy business specialising
    in sustainability. Since its foundation in 2013, the company has developed
    rapidly through organic growth and acquisition, building an international
    business with operations in Britain, North America, Continental Europe and Asia
    and attracting a broad range of clients. The company advises on areas such as,
    strategy and communications, operations, product and supply chain plus software
    and systems. Initially, we invested GBP 500,000 in the company and, post the
    year end, we subscribed another GBP 100,000 for additional ordinary shares as
    part of a larger fundraising in which new professional investors participated
    alongside employees of Anthesis and other existing investors. The funds raised
    by Anthesis will be used to support its ambitious growth plans.

    After making our initial investments, we are now moving successfully into the
    next phase of our investment strategy in which we convert some existing loans
    into equity and financially recognise the growth in value and acknowledge the
    success of our unquoted portfolio.

    With regard to education and advocacy, we will continue to promote employee
    ownership as a better way of doing business not just on behalf of C4C, but also
    through the EOA. We have also organised and attended events to raise awareness
    of employee ownership amongst companies and professionals in London, Liverpool,
    Sheffield and Manchester and we plan more events this year. In education, we
    presented on C4C and employee ownership at Alliance Manchester Business School.

    During the year, we became involved in assisting the Social Mobility Foundation
    (Registered Charity No. 1115888) by offering mentoring and work experience to
    sixth formers from disadvantaged backgrounds. A student joined us for a week's
    work experience in August and we continue to support other Foundation

    Financial Results

    In the twelve months ended 31 August 2016, the Group invested GBP 2.44 million
    across a portfolio of sixteen unquoted EOBs and twelve publicly traded EOBs. 
    The Company generated revenue of GBP 560,000 in the year and as at 31 August
    2016 the Group had net assets of GBP 5.25 million equating to a Net Asset Value
    per share of 54.54p. As illustrated by the Consolidated Statement of
    Comprehensive Income, the effect of our planned move away from high yielding
    loans and towards equity-linked instruments was yet to be felt during the year.
    However, generally, we have now begun to give up the income we receive on
    investments of a fixed capital natural and are replacing it with a reduced
    income but an added entitlement to future hoped-for capital growth. Our focus
    has always been on enhancing long term net asset value and this transition is
    the best way of achieving this, in our view. It is entirely in accordance with
    our stated strategy and hopefully well understood by our fellow shareholders.

    The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.


    As we build on our leading position in the EOB sector, we remain committed to
    the continued expansion of our investment and advisory portfolio and to
    generating attractive returns for our shareholders. We have increasing access
    to numerous potential investee companies, in varying sectors and of various
    sizes, which we believe can deliver the returns we require. The Directors are
    confident that the EOB sector will keep expanding and that EOBs will continue
    to deliver strong performance. Reflective of this, after the period end we made
    two new investments, increasing our portfolio to eighteen unquoted EOBs.

    Subject to having adequate funds, we expect to keep making investments into
    EOBs. A broad strategic objective is to make larger investments into bigger
    businesses so that more workers can enjoy the benefits of employee ownership.
    We remain very positive about the opportunities to develop our company and we
    believe that we are well placed to capitalise on the significant growth
    potential of the EOB sector. Statistics demonstrate that the EOB sector is
    becoming increasingly important to our economy, with 10% of UK GDP expected to
    be generated by EOBs by 2020. As a result, we are confident in our ability to
    create value for our shareholders and we would like to thank them for their
    continued support. We are proud to be in the vanguard of this exciting sector
    and I look forward with confidence to another year of progress.

    John Eckersley

    Chief Executive


                                                                       2016          2015
                                                                  GBP 000's     GBP 000's
    Revenue                                                             560           523
    Realised gains on investments                                       157             -
    Unrealised revaluation gains on investments                          71           459
                                                              ------------- -------------
                                                                        788           982
    Administrative expenses                                           (630)         (557)
                                                              ------------- -------------
    OPERATING PROFIT                                                    158           425
    Finance income                                                        -             1
                                                              ------------- -------------
    PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                                   158           426
    Tax (charge)/credit                                               (130)             2
                                                              ------------- -------------
    RETAINED PROFIT AFTER TAX FOR THE YEAR                               28           428
                                                                     ======        ======
    RETAINED PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                                                     
    Owners of the company for the year                                   28           428
                                                                     ======        ======
    TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                           
    ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                                                                     
    Owners of the company for the year                                   28           428
                                                                    =======       =======
    Profit per share                                                                     
    Basic and diluted                                                 0.32p         5.79p
                                                                    =======        ======


                                                     Group                          Company           
                                                    2016            2015           2016           2015
                                               GBP 000's       GBP 000's      GBP 000's      GBP 000's
    NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                
    Investments held at fair value                                                                    
    through profit or loss                         3,427           1,855          3,427          1,855
    Loans and receivables                          1,081           1,507          1,081          1,507
                                        ----------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                   4,508           3,362          4,508          3,362
                                         ---------------  -------------- -------------- --------------
    CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                    
    Trade and other receivables                      654             417            658            414
    Cash and cash equivalents                        279             355            279            355
                                         ---------------  -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                     933             772            937            769
                                          -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
    TOTAL ASSETS                                   5,441           4,134          5,445          4,131
                                                 =======          ======         ======         ======
    EQUITY AND LIABILTIES                                                                             
    Called up share capital                        3,850           3,070          3,850          3,070
    Share premium                                  1,036             672          1,036            672
    Retained profit                                  364             336            369            343
                                         ---------------    ------------   ------------   ------------
    TOTAL EQUITY                                   5,250           4,078          5,255          4,085
                                          --------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
    CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                               
    Trade and other payables                          89              56             88             46
                                          --------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
                                                      89              56             88             46
                                                  ======         =======        =======        =======
    CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE IN                                                                 
    MORE THAN ONE YEAR                                                                                
    Provisions for liabilities                       102               -            102              -
                                          --------------   -------------  -------------  -------------
    TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                   5,441           4,134          5,445          4,131
                                                  ======         =======        =======        =======

    The Directors of the Company are responsible for the contents of this

    For further information please visit or contact:

    CAPITAL FOR COLLEAGUES PLC                                         0161 233 4891
    Richard Bailey, Chairman                                                        
    John Eckersley, Chief Executive                                                 
    PETERHOUSE CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED                               020 7469 0930
    Mark Anwyl                                                                      
    Duncan Vasey