The government plans to create state business plan of increasing the volume of domestic production and domestic market development. And on this basis we are going to replace imported goods by goods of domestic production, increase exports, and to achieve a positive balance of trade. The PM during a Cabinet meeting on January 23, 2013 described the program on enhancing economic development for 2013-2014, which is being developed by the Government to fulfillthe tasks set by the President of Ukraine.

The Prime Minister noted that to achieve this goal will be used set of tools to support the development: direct budget investments, government order for domestic goods, public-private investment partnerships, tax and customs incentives, reduction in lending to the real sector of the economy, government guarantees for priority projects.

It is indicated that along with familiar also a number of unusual, new, innovative mechanisms of economic development will be involved. After all, 2012 year was characterized by the economic slowdown. The program is designed to restore growth this year and next year.

However MykolaAzarovnoted that whatever outdated structure of our economy is criticized, it is the only base that we have and only its base will we have to implement the program.

"That is the purpose of the government program: to provide maximum dynamic to priority areas that exist, especially those with high growth potential, get the resources and invest them in a radically new economy", MykolaAzarovsaid.

PM instructed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade following review of the program to build so-called "on the other side".

"Not how much we should invest, but what we want to receive. What are the figures of the production of goods in which areas financial result to receive, and how newly created resources to invest in innovative projects, which in turn will bring economy to a new stage", MykolaAzarovspecified.

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