Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this information sheet, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this information sheet.

Company name: Hong Kong Life Group Holdings Limited

Stock code (ordinary shares): 8212

This information sheet contains certain particulars concerning the above company (the "Company") which is listed on the Growth Enterprise Market ("GEM") of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Exchange"). These particulars are provided for the purpose of giving information to the public with regard to the Company in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "GEM Listing Rules"). They will be displayed at the GEM website on the Internet. This information sheet does not purport to be a complete summary of information relevant to the Company and/or its securities.
The information in this sheet was updated as of 18 January 2012

A. General

Place of incorporation: Cayman Islands
Date of initial listing on GEM: 14 May 2002
Name of Sponsor(s): N/A
Names of directors:

Executive directors:

(please distinguish the status of the directors Lam Wai Pong

- Executive, Non-Executive or Independent


Lau Chi Kwong

Leung Wai Kuen, Cerene

Zhang Yan

Independent non-executive directors: Chan Wan Yee

Siu Kwok Chung

Sit Bun

Name(s) of substantial shareholder(s):
(as such term is defined in rule 1.01 of the GEM Listing Rules) and their respective interests in the ordinary shares and other securities of the Company

Number of shares Percentage of shareholding

Red Rabbit Capital * 18,264,100 14.29% Kong Lung Cheung* 18,264,100 14.29%

*Mr. Kong Lung Cheung has equity interest of 100% of the issued share capital of Red Rabbit Capital Limited. These shares referred to herein relates to the same parcel of shares held by Red Rabbit Capital


Name(s) of company(ies) listed on GEM or the Main Board of the Stock Exchange within the same group as the Company:


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Financial year end date: 30 June
Registered address: Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-

1111, Cayman Islands

Head office and principal place of business: Suite B, 16/F, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong


Web-site address (if applicable):
Share registrar: Principal share registrar and transfer office:

HSBC Trustee (Cayman) Limited

PO Box 484, HSBC House, 68 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman KY1-

1106, Cayman Islands

Hong Kong branch share registrar and transfer office

Tricor Tengis Limited

26/F, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

Auditors: RSM Nelson Wheeler

29/F, Caroline Centre, Lee Gardens Two, 28 Yun Ping Road, Hong


B. Business activities

The Group is principally engaged in the businesses of distribution of edible oil, provision of shrine for memorial of ancestors and sales of paper-offering

C. Ordinary shares

Number of ordinary shares in issue: 127,850,100
Par value of ordinary shares in issue: HK$0.0001
Board lot size (in number of shares): 4,000
Name of other stock exchange(s) on


which ordinary shares are also listed:

D. Warrants

Stock code: N/A
Board lot size: N/A
Expiry date: N/A
Exercise price: N/A
Conversion ratio:

(Not applicable if the warrant is denominated in dollar value of conversion right)


No. of warrants outstanding: N/A
No. of shares falling to be issued upon the exercise of outstanding warrants:


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E. Other securities

Share options: Pursuant to the share option scheme adopted by the Company on 13 May 2002, there are outstanding 890,000 share options entitling the holders of the share options to subscribe for 890,000 shares of the Company at the exercise price of HK$3.60 per share. The 890,000 share options will expire on 1 February 2016.

Convertible Bonds: On 27 May 2010, Convertible Bonds in principal amount of HK$850,000,000 were issued, HK$650,000,000 of which was converted into 275,440,066 new shares of the Company and HK$10,000,000 was redeemed by the Company. As at the date of this Company Information Sheet, the number of new shares of the Company to be issued upon full conversion of the outstanding Convertible Bonds is 7,963,118 shares at the adjusted conversion price of HK$23.86.

Responsibility statement

The directors of the Company (the "Directors") as at the date hereof hereby collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this information sheet ("the Information") and confirm, having made all reasonable inquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief the Information is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive and that there are no other matters the omission of which would make any Information inaccurate or misleading.
The Directors also collectively and individually accept full responsibility for submitting a revised information sheet, as soon as reasonably practicable after any particulars on the form previously published cease to be accurate.
The Directors acknowledge that the Stock Exchange has no responsibility whatsoever with regard to the Information and undertake to indemnify the Exchange against all liability incurred and all losses suffered by the Exchange in connection with or relating to the Information.

Lam Wai Pong Chan Wan Yee

Lau Chi Kwong Siu Kwok Chung

Leung Wai Kuen Cerene Sit Bun

Zhang Yan

Page 3 of 3 June 2010

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