Contact: Diane Henderson, 303-867-6302;

Date: Friday, January 1, 2016

Did you know ... Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the dairy and beef industries? Please feel free to use these news items as space allows in your publication or online content. If you would like to expand on a certain topic, please email Melissa Sandfort at

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Did You Know ...

... that eating beef can help stimulate muscle growth in older Americans and that protein can play a key role in weight management?

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming four ounces of lean-beef protein each day can help enhance muscle development by 50 percent.

Furthermore, evidence from a second study published in the Journal suggests that a moderate increase in dietary protein, like lean beef, in association with physical activity, can aid with weight management by increasing thermoneogenesis (production of heat in the body), which influences satiety and augments energy expenditure, helping maintain lean muscle mass and improve your metabolic profile.

Help SHARE the Facts: Beef. It's What's for STRONG MUSCLES and WEIGHT MANAGEMENT!

'We put a lot of dollars in nutrition research. There was a time when we had to have fat to get energy because we spent 12 hours working on the farm or ranch. That world has changed. We still need those micronutrients and nutrients that are in red meat but we certainly don't need the same amount of fat. So we have made a lot of steps to produce a leaner product. And we're changing our product to meet the changing needs of consumers.'

- Anne Anderson, Cattlemen's Beef Board vice chairman

MYTH: Grazing cattle ruin public lands and wildlife habitat.


In fact, ranchers play an important role in the survival of native species. Cattle grazing helps maintain the wetland habitat necessary for some threatened species, such as the Greater Sage-Grouse in the West or the California tiger salamander and red-legged frog.

Without cattle, about 587 million acres of U.S. land - most of which is unsuitable for raising food crops - would go to waste. Grazing cattle on this land more than DOUBLES the area of land that can be used to raise high-quality food. And as the population continues to grow, we must make wise use of available land to raise nutrient-rich food, like BEEF!

SHARE this fact to help tell the true story of beef. Learn more at

Spotlighting Influencers

The checkoff's 'Beef. It's What's For Dinner.' brand recently launched a refreshed version of the 'Beef. It's What's For Dinner' Influencer Spotlight landing page. The newest addition focuses on 'entertaining made easy' and features Chris Mohr - Registered Dietitian, PhD, dad and fitness enthusiast. Like previous spotlight advocate Toby Amidor, Mohr's role in this campaign is to provide authentic, engaging beef content to consumers from someone they trust. These influencers and their families are relatable and serve as real-life examples of how a variety of meal options, including beef, can have a positive and lasting effect on families.

Now is the Time to Promote Beef

There is good news in 2016 when it comes to beef supply. According to the recent CattleFax 2016 Outlook and Strategies Session, there is more beef available now than a year ago, and growth is expected to continue into the next year. CattleFax, the beef industry's leading information and analysis service, is predicting the biggest production gains for the second half of 2016, as long as Mother Nature cooperates.

Consumer demand for beef remains strong, and foodservice partners are well positioned to reap the benefits. Current price points allow operators to buy beef at a profitable margin. And while prices are still volatile, due to the cattle expansion, the all-time highs are likely behind us.

So what does this mean for the checkoff when it comes to assisting foodservice operators in 2016? The checkoff is encouraging foodservice operators to:

  • Take advantage of lower wholesale prices to highlight beef through promotional activities, limited time offers and specials.
  • Explore new menu innovations that capitalize on consumers' love affair for steaks and gets the most value for every ounce they buy.
  • Highlight beef's quality on the menu. Analysts advise operators to opt for Choice versus Select to get the biggest bang for their buck, as a record 70 percent of beef is grading as Choice. Besides, consumers will pay more for what they consider quality or premium meat, including USDA Choice.
  • Share the beef community's heritage and connection to the land with their guests through story telling on menus, online, social media and more.

The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

CBB - Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board issued this content on 2016-01-01 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-01 11:41:06 UTC

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