Today Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released its WasteWatcher, a monthly dispatch to members of the news media, highlighting some of the most prominent fiscal issues affecting American taxpayers. The stories from January’s WasteWatcher edition are listed in part as follows:

The FCC’s Taxpayer Funded Holiday Spending Spree
By Deb Collier
With the holidays behind them, Americans are determining the aftermath of their annual holiday spending spree. For the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the spending spree at taxpayer expense has just begun. Read the full story here.

114th Congress:The New Sheriff(s) in Town (Senate edition)
By William Christian
In the last 60 years, since Republicans relinquished their Senate majority to the Democrats on January 3, 1955, the Grand Old Party has controlled the United States Senate for only 16 years (plus four months*), and they shared control with the House of Representatives for only 10 of those years, as well as the aforementioned four months. Read the full story here.

Fiscally Drunk and Disorderly
By Leslie Paige
In spite of the decisive drubbing that President Obama and his party sustained in the mid-term elections, he continues to gallop along on his (gift) horse, proposing all kinds of new government spending programs, as if nothing has changed. Read the full story here.

Repealing Obamacare – Is It Doable?
By Elizabeth Wright
On January 6, the 114th Congress convened and is now under Republican control, with 54 senators out of 100 in the Senate and 246 representatives out of 435 in the House. One of the major Republican campaign promises was the full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more often referred to as ObamaCare. But can it be done? Read the full story here.

Social Security Reform: Time to Go Big
By PJ Austin
Among the rules adopted by the House of Representatives is a new provision that bars the transfer of money between the Social Security old age and survivor’s insurance (OASI) trust fund and the disability insurance (DI) trust fund. Read the full story here.

CAGW is the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.