Better Mortgage, a digital mortgage company focused on improving access to home financing for a new generation of homeowners, is now available to Texas homebuyers. Better will now be able to serve more than half of Americans who are looking to own or currently own a home. In 2017, Better expanded its footprint in major real estate markets around the country, with Texas being the latest licensed states.

“Bringing Better to Texas is a huge opportunity for us, but more importantly, it's an opportunity for homeowners, or would-be homeowners, too,” says Better CEO Vishal Garg. “In markets like Austin and San Antonio where the housing market has been particularly hot, customers need more affordable financing options or risk spending more time throwing their money away on ballooning rents. With the recent launch of the Better Offer, we’re empowering Texas homebuyers with more purchase certainty. We’re already helping customers win in similar markets such as Seattle and Denver.”

Texas is Better’s 14th market. In 2018, they expect to continue their expansion, focusing on geographies that help first-time homebuyers invest in their communities by putting down roots.

Here’s what Texas homebuyers stand to gain through a Better mortgage:

  • Savings: The Better Price Guarantee ensures that borrowers are getting the best price. Automatic eligibility for discounts available to first-time homebuyers, buyers in certain geographies, and borrower income.
  • Certainty: 24-hour delivery time for a free, fully underwritten approval letter for qualified borrowers. Plus, if a borrower is fully underwritten prior to making an offer on a home, Better can close 10 days faster than the industry average. Through the Better Offer, borrowers can waive contingencies in their contract to make their offers stand out without overbidding.
  • Convenience: 100% digital experience, from pre-approval to a funded loan.
  • Conflict-free: Once pre-approved, borrowers are assigned a dedicated non-commissioned loan consultant focused on support, not sales. The result? The customer receives the information they need to make the best financing decision for their situation -- not Better’s bottom line.

About Better: Launched in 2016, Better is a full stack mortgage lender digitizing every step of the financing process. Backed by Kleiner Perkins, Goldman Sachs, and Pinebrook, Better is focused on customer advocacy, putting consumers back in control of the most important financial decision of their lives. An intuitive online platform guides customers through finding their price range, getting certainty about loan terms, and ultimately funding, while keeping real estate agents up-to-date on progress