FairWarning, Inc., the inventor and world's leading supplier of patient privacy monitoring solutions for electronic health records, has been awarded the first ever Category Leader Award for Patient Privacy Monitoring in the "2013 Best in KLAS: Software & Services" report, January 2014.

Healthcare industry executives continue to prioritize building trust with patients by driving patient privacy breaches out of their healthcare communities as well as sustainably complying with federal and state law. Patient Privacy Monitoring allows care providers to:

  • Build their reputation for protecting their patients' confidentiality, a competitive factor in attracting and retaining patients with sensitive medical conditions
  • Expand trust in their electronic health record investments which have grown significantly in recent years
  • Confidently prepare for the Office for Civil Rights' HIPAA audit program as well as Meaningful Use audits

"FairWarning® and its customers envision a healthcare industry in which patients share their most sensitive medical details without privacy concerns in order to receive the best care. We have made ongoing investments to achieve this vision, and are proud that this category is now being measured through KLAS," says Kurt Long, FairWarning® CEO and Founder.

FairWarning® believes the KLAS Award reflects its continued company-wide commitment to customer success, through the prioritization of investments in:

  • FairWarning® 3.1 product platform launched in late 2012, which has since driven a 70% increase in production customers
  • FairWarning® Private Service Cloud, which provides the ability to proactively support customers with upgrades, maintenance, and 365 days a year monitoring and support
  • FairWarning® Ready Engage customer community, the largest social community of its kind that offers peer-to-peer interaction for sharing challenges, ideas and best practices
  • FairWarning® Ready Certified Professionals Training, with over 200 professionals scheduled for certification by year end 2014
  • FairWarning®'s recently announced Privacy Excellence Awards, judged by industry experts, which celebrate healthcare leaders around the world who are committed to privacy as a business asset in delivering the best care possible. Award winners will be announced during the HIMSS Annual Conference on February 25, 2014
  • Sound intellectual property foundation through patented technology, with the core patent for Patient Privacy Monitoring issued in late 2013

Notable ratings from the report include:

  • Overall score of 88.4, a four point year-over-year increase
  • FairWarning® scored more than thirteen points above the next-highest rated vendor

For more information on the KLAS research for FairWarning® and direct customer quotes is available at: http://www.KLASresearch.com/Research/Products/?ID=50552.

For more about FairWarning® Patient Privacy Monitoring solutions, please visit www.FairWarning.com.

About KLAS

KLAS is a research firm on a global mission to improve healthcare delivery by enabling providers to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare executives and clinicians, KLAS gathers data on software, services, medical equipment and infrastructure systems to deliver timely reports, trends and statistical overviews. The research directly represents the provider voice and acts as a catalyst for improving supplier performance. KLAS was founded in 1996, and their staff and advisory board average 25 years of healthcare information technology experience. Follow KLAS on Twitter at www.twitter.com/KLASresearch.

About FairWarning, Inc.

FairWarning®'s mission is to lead the industry expansion of trust in Electronic Health Records empowering care providers to grow their reputation for protecting confidentiality, scale their digital health initiatives and comply with complex Federal and state privacy laws such as HIPAA. By partnering with FairWarning®, care providers are able to direct their focus on delivering the best patient outcomes possible while receiving expert, sustainable and affordable privacy and compliance solutions. Customers consider FairWarning® privacy auditing solutions essential for compliance with healthcare privacy regulations such as ARRA HITECH privacy and meaningful use criteria, HIPAA, UK and EU Data Protection, California SB 541 and AB 211, Texas HB 300, and Canadian provincial healthcare privacy law. For more information on FairWarning® visit http://www.FairWarning.com or email Solutions@FairWarning.com.

FairWarning, Inc.
Jen Stansbury, 727-576-6700 x. 182