The increasingly damaging impact of telecom fraud and how service providers can protect themselves and their customers from its risks, will be one of the key takeaways from the upcoming Risk and Assurance (RAG) Conference in Bahrain. With annual global losses from telecoms fraud heading towards $30 billion, the most effective strategies to combat the criminal activity, and proven results, will be presented at the event.

At the conference, John Haraburda, principal solutions engineer at iconectiv, will deliver findings and insights from analyzing the traffic of dozens of service providers worldwide. Showcasing iconectiv’s market-leadingTruNumber Protect fraud protection solution, Haraburda will spotlight the best practices, techniques and lessons learned that will help service providers strengthen their existing fraud portfolio, help prevent millions of dollars in lost revenue and address new threats to their business.

With 30 years of experience and presence in the numbering space, iconectiv is the trusted source of the most reliable and authoritative numbering data around the world. Influential and active across leading industry organizations including ETSI, the GSMA, IETF, MEF and the SIP Forum, iconectiv’s fraud expertise is built on the company’s history of numbering expertise and its deep-rooted knowledge of the telecommunications industry, legislation and business applicability.

Haraburda’s session will cover the elements behind the global success of TruNumber Protect in proactively fighting telecoms fraud. These include the authenticity of its information, the precision of its intelligence management, the comprehensive coverage provided and the ability to integrate seamlessly with existing systems and platforms.

Supporting every type of service around the world, TruNumber Protect enables service providers to leverage automation to fight fraud and optimize the performance of both legacy and emerging platforms to preserve customer relationships and protect revenues and margins.

Batelco, the principal telecommunications company in the Kingdom of Bahrain, is hosting the RAG conference. The agenda will cover fraud management, revenue and business assurance, enterprise risk management and security.

For more information about the event, please visit Risk and Assurance Group (RAG) Bahrain Conference.

About iconectiv

At iconectiv, we envision a world without boundaries, where the ability to access and exchange information is simple, secure and seamless. As the authoritative partner of the communications industry for more than 30 years, our market-leading solutions enable the interconnection of networks, devices and applications for more than two billion people every day. We have intimate knowledge of the intricacies and complexities involved in creating, operating and securing the communications infrastructure for service providers, regulators, enterprises, aggregators and content providers. Our 5,000+ global clients rely on us for network and operations management, numbering, registry and fraud prevention solutions. We are proud to be enabling the world of tomorrow by making new connections today. A US-based company, Telcordia Technologies, does business as iconectiv. For more information, visit